My little Zane

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Hey time for some MCD!!!

     Travis was running, faster and further than he had ever done before. He'd had enough of life, all at entailed was constant mocking from everyone for who he was... He had reached a seemingly endless drop at the edge of a cliff, which he wanted to be his deathbed. He'd come here and attempted suicide more than once here, but only now was he finally ready to do it. Travis held the black, amethyst encrusted knife in his pale, grey skinned, demon hands, ready to die...
         Zane wasn't in a better state. He was at his own brothers sword point, disarmed and completely helpless... "G-garroth... Please... " glossy tears rolled down his cheeks as he remembered the note his love Travis had left him earlier that day, both confessing his love and declaring his death. "You have hurt so many people Zane, how dare you! " gartoth slapped Zane, causing him to helplessly fall to the cold floor. "please... Let me see one person before I die... Please...
Garroth signed, "fine, if I'm there... You're lucky I care about you brother... "
-timeskip to when they got to the cliff-
"TRAVIS!!! " Zane shouted before Travis could stab himself.
Travis ran up to him, crying...
"shhh... Please don't cry... I don't want my final moment with you to be sad... Please... " Travis gasped, "last moment? No! You can't die, I can't live without you!!! "
Zane dropped to his knees with Garroth behind him, bloody knife in hand. "ZANE!!! " Travis screamed, holding his limp, blood stained body. "shh, it's ok... I love you Travis... So, so much... "
Zane's eyes slowly closed, causing Travis to scream, tears flooding from his purple, glowing eyes.
          Garroth had already left, clearly not caring at all. "No... Please... " he kissed Zane softly. "I love  you... My little Zane... "

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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