Tortured Souls (a will-o-the-wist story)

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Authors Note:  Hello all, this is my very first short story on Wattpad:)  I wanted to send out a special shout out and thank you to DameCarnelian and Daffodil07!  And thanks to all my friends and family for their encouragement and feedback with this story.   I also want to thank Wattpad for providing this platform for writers of all abilities!  If you enjoy ‘Tortured Souls’, or have constructive criticism please, please comment and vote!

                                                Tortured Souls

   Eva and I were finally getting away together after being together for 6 months.  We first met when she rear-ended me on the highway.  I remember that day like it was yesterday.  When she hit my pickup, I jumped out, adrenaline pumping through my veins, and rushed back to the driver of the car, not even looking at the damage.  I was going to confront this driver and find out what the hell they were doing.  But when I saw the beautiful woman behind the wheel with tears flowing down her face, I melted.  She immediately apologized, despite her sobbing.  Telling her not to worry about it, I asked if she was ok.  She said she was fine, but I stayed next to her until the police arrived.  As I assessed the damage, I noticed that her car looked like it was totaled from the crash, the whole front end smashed in.  My truck was unscathed save some rear bumper damage.  I went back to ask the woman her name and if should would like a ride home.  She agreed, but insisted that she take me out for coffee to apologize.  Since then it’s been a fantastic journey with her.

   We did have a disagreement once during our time together, and that was over this trip.  I wanted to take her away to some place warm and remote in the Caribbean.  I even showed her the brochures for a few places I had in mind, but she wouldn’t have any of it.  She insisted on her house in the mountains.  I never really enjoyed roughing it in the mountains but eventually gave in and agreed to spend the weekend at her house.

   I packed up my clothes, toiletries and others essentials and headed over to her apartment.

   Arriving at her place, I jumped out of the truck and knocked on her door.  She came to the door smiling.  I pulled her close, looked deeply into her deep blue eyes and we kissed.  She tasted delicious, like chocolate. I held both her hands in mine and felt a little tingle roll through my body.

   “Every time I touch you I get an electric shock!”

   “I know. I feel it too, John.”  She ran her hand through her long dark hair and winked.

   “You taste delicious.”  I chuckled.

   “I bet.  I made you some chocolate chip cookies but I couldn’t resist, so I snuck one.” she said laughing out loud.

   “Thank you!  I can’t wait to try them.”

   “Are you almost ready?” she asked.

   “Yes, I just have to finish up packing my clothes.  Come on in.  How are you feeling?”

   “I am good but...”  I hesitated.

   “But what, John?”

   “I had that dream again last night.”

   “Oh no! Did you remember anything about it?”

   “No, but its ok. Maybe the mountain air will clear that from my head.”

   “Yes, maybe.”  She giggled. “Trust me, you’re going to love it up there.”

   “Yes I can’t wait!” I said.

   I thought it was strange the way she giggled, but I brushed it off and sat down.  These dream/nightmares started coming to me the past few weeks.  Every time I would wake up shaking and sweating but I couldn't remember a thing.

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