Wolf Hollow Drive (Part 3)

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              Chris finally came around but he was a mess.  Even if I was able to get us out of here, I am not sure he could make it far.  While he was still passed out I lifted his shirt to inspect his ribs and several seem bruised or broken.

“How are you feeling baby?”  I said, placing a long soft kiss on his forehead.

“My head is pounding and I am having a hard time breathing.  Besides that I am not sure yet.  Where are we?”

“I don’t know where we are, it's some type of camp in the woods.  What happened to you?”

“You didn’t answer my calls so I drove up the mountain trying to find you. When I was near the top, I saw your backpack on the side of the road.  I pulled over to take a look, but someone jumped me from behind.  That’s all I remember.” He said reaching back and inspecting a large bump on the back of his head and wincing.  

“Thank you baby for trying to save me, but I don’t know how we are going to get out of here. These people are psychopaths, and they are talking about bringing us to some sick twisted party later tonight.”  I said babbling like an idiot over my words.  

“Slow down ok?  We’ll figure something out.  Give me a few minutes to get sorted out and up to speed.”

“Slow down?  I have been locked in this meat shed for hours!  I almost got raped by these mountain men and we only have a few short hours until they do god knows what to us!  Sorry but I can’t slow down or calm down!  You have a few minutes to get to your senses, then we have to see if you can walk or not.”  I said getting up and pacing around the shed.

“You almost got raped? What happened?  Are you ok?”

“I am ok, and NO I don’t want to talk about it right now.  I think something bad is going to happen tonight and we need to find a way out of here.”

“Ok we can talk about that later, when you’re ready.  Do you know how many ‘mountain men’ are out there in this camp or whatever it is?”

“No, I have only seen a few, maybe six to ten total if I had to guess.  I can’t be sure though.  The leader I think is Jacob, he is the one who brought us both in here.  And the guy who tried to rape me stopped when Jacob told him to.  He did say something strange to him to make him stop.”

“What did he say?”

“Jacob screamed at the other guy to get off me or ‘they’ would know what happened and come after him later.  The whole thing was just fucking disgusting.”  I said breaking down again.  Chris got up slowly and came over to try to comfort me.

“Come on, we’ll find a way out of here.”

“How are we going do that?”

“I don’t know yet but let’s put our heads together.”

        We talked quietly for about an hour, coming up with a plan we thought might at least get us out of the shed.  After that, we would have to run for it and take our chances.  The shed became darker as the sunshine outside waned in the late afternoon.  We had to act on the plan quickly before the party started.  I went over to the door and squinted out the open slats to see if i could make out any movement outside if the shed.

"Chris,  don't see anyone outside, do you see anything we can use as weapons in here?"

"I can unscrew a few of these meat hooks from the rack, that should put a dent in anything we come across."

"Yes that will work, come over when your ready and wait by the door and I'll start screaming for water as we planned. When Jacob or his friends come and open the door, aim for their head.  Then we can run straight out through the woods and follow the setting sun to try and find the road."

"I'll be ready when they come through the door." Chris said.

        I started screaming as loud as I could for water.  I peaked out through the door planks again and still nothing moved outside.  I had Chris check through the planks on the rear of the shed and he didn't see any movement either.

        After 15-20 minutes of screaming my voice was getting hoarse and still no sign of the mountain men.  

"Do you think they left us here alone Chris?"  I whispered.

"I don't know but maybe we should try to break out of here?  I could try to pry the door hinges with the meat hook and then we should be able to get out."

"Lets do it!"  I said.

        It took Chris about 2 minutes to get the flimsy hinges dislodged from the door.  We stuck our heads out carefully and looked around.  The compound looked to be deserted but somehow I could feel eyes following our every move.  We dashed out into the woods towards the setting sun in the west.  It was going down quickly so we need to hurry, but Chris's damaged ribs were slowing us down.

        We made it about 100 yards and then the dense underbrush rustled in front of us.  A large grey wolf with a black streak down it's back leaped out and blocked our path, it's eyes gleaming bright green.  Its let out a fierce growl and it's glistening white teeth glowed in the twighlight. Chris raised the meat hook and the wolf took two menacing steps toward us... 

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