Presents from the Past

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I neither own these characters or the literary universe in which they live, though there are a few new faces and places that are of my own design. I neither make nor intend to make any profit off of this writing, but indeed I expect die poor, clutching a legal pad and pen to my chest, a half written chapter scribbled on the fading yellow page.

Some limited spoilers from Jedi Apprentice.
No betas, therefore the mistakes are all mine.

"I never thought I'd be here again."

"You came here with Master Qui-Gon?"

"Yes, when I was thirteen. We came to finally bring Master Qui-Gon's rogue padawan, Xanatos, to justice," Obi-Wan says with a heavy sigh. "That seems like a lifetime ago."

Obi-Wan and Anakin exit their small shuttle and walk casually down the ramp, surveying their surroundings. They had landed in the main spaceport in the capital city of Thani on Telos IV. Two days ago, Obi-Wan had a received a message from a minor official on Telos IV. Apparently while remodeling a wing of the palace the workers had come across something they believed the Jedi would find of interest. The Council had allowed Obi-Wan to go investigate and Anakin, of course, had insisted on accompanying him.

"You think this has something to do with Xanatos?" Anakin asks as the two wait in the large hanger for their contact to arrive. Obi-Wan watches as a trio of maintenance workers refuel a nearby transport, his hand slowly rubbing his beard.

"I'm not sure, but I don't think it is a coincidence."

"It is the planet where he was born."

"And where he died," Obi-Wan adds his voice tinged with regret and something else... something Anakin cannot quite name. Anakin knows that Xanatos took his own life rather than allow himself to be captured by his former master, Qui-Gon Jin. Anakin also knows that he was connected to one of Obi-Wan's most painful regrets—the death of his age mate Bruck Chun. Bruck was Xanatos's dark apprentice, but he fell to his death during a battle at the Jedi Temple. Obi-Wan had tried to save him, but in the end he was unable to do anything. It was not something Obi-Wan liked to talk about and Anakin knew better than to press for details, but at that moment he wished he knew more about Obi-Wan's history with Xanatos. Before Anakin can ask anything further he sees a group of Telosians approach them. The lead one is dressed in long flowing robes trimmed with intricate designs. His white hair is slicked back against his head and his stride carries a graceful yet business-like efficiency.

"That is the official that contacted the Temple," Obi-Wan whispers. "Tayn Arah."

"And that must be whatever they found," Anakin replies as he gives a nod toward the two fingers trailing behind the Arah. Between them they carry a fairly large, square case.

"Ah, Master Jedi. It is good of you to come," Arah smiles as he steps before the Jedi and bows deeply. Obi-Wan and Anakin politely return his bow.

"It is our pleasure," Obi-Wan starts. "I am Obi-Wan Kenobi and this is Anakin Skywalker. The Jedi Order is pleased to answer your call, but your message was awfully mysterious. Curiosity alone would have likely guaranteed our arrival." Obi-Wan's humor appears to have been lost on the Telosian who frowns.

"Yes," he says his gaze briefly drifting to the floor. "I apologize for that, but... given... certain events... I felt discretion was appropriate."

"Well, we're here now. What did you find?" Anakin asks roughly. Obi-Wan throws a subtle glare at him, a silent chide of Anakin's impatience. Anakin pretends not to notice. Arah snaps his fingers and his two servants carefully place the case they had been carrying before the Jedi. The two Jedi study the case in silence. After several moments, Obi-Wan kneels down and examines the case more closely. Though he never touches it, he subjects the dark box to intense scrutiny. Finally, he looks up at Arah.

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