The Agony of Silence

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Some limited spoilers from Jedi Apprentice.
No betas, therefore the mistakes are all mine.
See chapter one for disclaimers.

"Summoned me you did. Come I have," a gravelly voice calls out from the doorway to the small medical suite. Obi-Wan spins away from his view of Coruscant's skyway, startled by the Grand Master's seemingly sudden appearance. Obi-Wan sighs, his shoulders slumping noticeably. He is tired of being startled, tired of being surprised, tired of only being aware of the presence of others when he could see or hear them. The collar left him deficient, vulnerable and he abhorred the feeling. He resented the whole situation and he hated the Force for willing this to happen.

Obi-Wan unclenches his fists and takes a deep breath, then another... and another. It is several slow passing moments before he feels remotely calm enough to at least pretend he is in control of himself before addressing his visitor. Yoda waits patiently for the younger man to compose himself before tottering into the room and comfortably installing his diminutive form on to one of the flimsiplast chairs.

"Master," Obi-Wan says giving the older Jedi a deep bow. Yoda studies him intently for a moment before closing his eyes. Obi-Wan, unable to wait patiently, quietly walks over to his medical sleeper couch and takes a seat, crossing his legs before him in a meditative pose. By the time he has made himself comfortable the large, golden eyes of the master are once again resting languidly upon him.

"Troubled you are. Very troubled."

Obi-Wan's lips thin into a flat line. That was an understatement if he ever heard one.

"Concerns you have about my proposal, do you?"

"Grave," Obi-Wan replies. "Master, when it... happens, I am unable to control my actions. I fear what I may do."

"To face one's fears is the way of the Jedi."

"I'm no Jedi," Obi-Wan says sullenly. Without warning, a gimer stick strikes a defenseless shin.


"Earned that you did," Yoda nods as Obi-Wan absently rubs the offended body part.

"A vocalization of your disapproval would have been more than sufficient, Master," he responds with a glare. Yoda, impervious to such childish displays, merely shakes his head.

"Have listened you would not," Yoda intones then the small Jedi releases a touch of sorrow into the Force and a sigh into the air. He gazes upon the young man. "Not a Jedi, why think you?"

"A Jedi feels the Force. I cannot," Obi-Wan answers plainly.

"Still inside you the Force is. Temporary is the block. Know this you do."

"Do I?' Obi-Wan snaps. Immediately, his eyes widened in horror as he remembers to whom he is speaking. Quickly he drops his head as low as the bulk of the collar will allow.

"Forgive me, Master. I meant no disrespect."

"And yet disrespect you do," the ancient master replies accusingly. Obi-Wan lifts his head, his blue-gray eyes expressing a shame and hurt that his voice cannot.

"Yourself you disrespect," Yoda adds finally. Some of the sting abates in Obi-Wan's eyes, but the shameful truth of the Grand Master's statement hangs heavy in his heart. The two masters sit in something less than companionable silence for a long while; one attempting to marshal his thoughts, the other knowing the former needed time to accomplish this. Finally, a soft dulcet tone disturbs the quiet.

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