clef de coeur

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i fell in love with a boy

that, i couldn't admit

i hide away this poem, in fear of my own heart

a heart so guarded, its beat like the flicker of a feather

a heart so guarded, its rhythm couldn't pierce the dark cage and brick walls it was put under

a rhythm so sweet, it could cure the hurting soul of a disdained devil

fear, its main weapon, for it would be foolish to think the brick walls impenetrable

love, its main defender, would feed the light into the darkness

distrust, its main opponent, would try to break its walls down

but trust, its main companion, would try its best to keep it at rest

as the people around her, that she oh loved and cherished would have a key to its cage

don't be fooled, she may not be as broken and bruised as she seems

know this, understand this, master this in your own heart

as you hold the key to her dear heart, sensitive as it may be

one wrong move, and she's lost forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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