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It was plain simple - John was a boy. Boys liked toy trucks, plastic guns and, most importantly, girls.

Boys liked girls. Girls liked boys.

So why did John feel so forced?

🌈 Q U E E R 🌈

Queer; ... to include any person whose sexuality or gender identity falls outside the heterosexual mainstream or the gender binary.

You say I'm queer like it's a bad thing.

homophobia ° transphobia ° ignorance ° abuse in all forms ° bullying ° misuse of religion ° slurs of all kinds

DEDICATED to all those kids who're scared of showing the world their true colors. Because I'm one of them, and I know how fucking terrifying that even your loved ones could be so negative towards the LGBT+ community.

Queer ☆ LENNSTARRWhere stories live. Discover now