unang kabanata ;

419 33 48

I'll be adding these songs - They're the ones I listen to when writing the chapters, not necessarily the playlist!!!!! 🌻

Edit: my self esteem isn't the best, and in my opinion this chapter seems rushed but helpful criticism and comments usually make my day and the next chapter 🌸

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RINGO found himself in a moment of distress, not knowing what to wear for his first day "back" home. He barely remembers the house he currently resides in, though the memories lingered somewhere in the back of his mind.

Ringo wanted to go full-blown feminine; which was mostly made up of one of his high waisted skirts and a loose, cool shirt for the summer air. The thought of wearing pants just to blend in made him cringe, knowing fully well how his thighs would sweat in them.

Elsie wouldn't mind, accepting to the point where they once bought matching dresses for a dinner party. She fought for her son's freedom, and she would be damned if someone mentioned even the slightest slur in his direction. People will always be assholes, though.

He thought what the heck and fished out one of his skirts and a space shirt. He tucked the white shirt in, grabbing a baseball cap to shield his eyes from the harsh sun and headed outside in his high-cut red converse shoes.

He'd gotten used to the stares as he walked down the pavement. One of the mothers tugged their children away from him, as if he carried disease. He wasn't surprised though, there were still people who believed you could "catch the gay" if you stuck too close to them.

The ice cream parlor was bright and decorated with pastel stripes. Ringo checked his cat-designed wallet and grinned. Just enough for a banana split.

"Nice skirt," The girl from the counter beamed, her dark hair juxtaposing her candy-colored uniform. Ringo smiled back shyly.

"Thanks..." He peered over and glanced at the nametag. "Mo?"

"That's right, hon. Prefer that over Mary, ugh." She shuddered. "It's short for Maureen, by the way. Now what flavor do you want, city boy?"

"Banana split. And how do you know I'm from the city?"

"No local boy would have the guts to walk in town wearing a skirt. Sprinkles?"

He swung his bare legs to and fro as he rested his chin on his hands. "You just read my mind."

The dessert was heaven in Ringo's mouth, and he couldn't help but moan. Maureen chuckled, jumping up on the counter.

"So what brings you to our little town?"

Ringo licked his lips clean. "Me mum has this stupid boss who pretty much makes us move alot. Right now she works at the firm near the marketplace."

"She's a lawyer? Nice," Maureen took one of the chocolate-dipped sticks and took a bite. "My dad owns the place. It's sorta funny though, 'cos he's the stereotypical manly guy yet he runs an ice-cream shop."

"Hey," Ringo said, feeling quite defensive. "It has the best ice cream I've ever had, and I've been all over the place."

Comfortable silence draped over the two like a childhood blanket, with nothing but the soft music pouring in from the speakers. It was just 11 am, Ringo assumed the customers would pour in when the clock striked 12.

"No offense but," Maureen spoke up, playing with the loose hems of her apron. "Are you... trans?"

"Oh, no," Ringo bit on the cone and pushed it to his left cheek with his tongue so he could speak. "I just like being feminine. Even when I was a kid."

"That's so cool," Maureen replied honestly, eyes shining with interest. "Ah shit, I never asked for your name. Sorry."

"S'okay. I'm Richard, or Ringo as my friends used to call me," He waved his fingers for emphasis, the sunlight catching the glimmer of the jewelry. "And I love cats."

"I have four."

Ringo gasped. "No way."

"Yes way," She grinned, dark eyes crinkling at the sides.

While the two exchanged stories, mostly ones from highschool and followed by snorts of laughter and giggle fests, three boys had crossed the street in front of the ice cream shop. The youngest wore leather, unbothered by the heat.

"Do you guys want some ice-cream?" Paul asked, already patting for his wallet. "Dad got me extra allowance this week for cleaning the car."

"Sounds great," John ran his hands through his hair, groaning when it turned out messy and frizzy. "Fucking hell, George how are you still alive wearing that?"

The tall boy shrugged. "I have my secrets."

John rolled his eyes, fanning himself with the collar of his shirt. The idea of ice-cream was a good, if not the best idea that came out of Paul's mouth.

"You should've seen his face Mo, god," A girl with a deep voice giggled, short hair bouncing as she did. Paul's face brightened up visibly at the sight of a certain Maureen Cox and fixed his hair.

"Hi Mo!" Paul called out too cheerily, making the other boys roll their eyes at him. "The usual for me and the lads, 'kay?"

"The lads and I." The girl - wait a minute, boy.... boy?! - corrected, licking his fingers clean of chocolate syrup. When he tilted his chin, he looked more masculine, and it was an understatement that John felt a pang of distress hit his stomach when he even considered thinking he was cute.

"And who're you supposed to be?" The doe-eyed boy asked, realization hitting him hard just after he was done looking up from the feminine boy's legs. He crinkled his nose in disgust. "Oh fuck, you're one of those city queers."

He quirked an eyebrow, pink lips curled in a slight frown. "You say I'm queer like that's a bad thing."

"Alright," Maureen dragged out. "Paul, here's the tub. It's the end of my shift, Ritch, wanna head over to the mall?"

"Heck yeah!" He jumped up, skirt swishing as he went over to the younger girl. His eyes met John's and Ringo grinned slightly. His blue bambi eyes flitted over to Paul, who seemed insulted at the fact that Maureen would rather go with her new found friend than him. "Bye asshole."

"Why didn't you two say anything?" Paul huffed. George responded with a shrug and continued to shove ice cream in his mouth. "So much for backup."

"We thought you had it covered," John let out a snicker. "Queer or not, he got you good Macca."

"Bye asshole," George mimicked, laughing when Paul slapped his arm.

"Shut up!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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