Chapter 14

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Whiles Grandma was giving Roderick the beating of his life, I did what a best friend would do. Which in this case was making a sandwich —for myself of course. Heading out of the house, I skipped off to the main kitchens. Passing bungalow after bungalow, I made my way into the magical wonder known as the kitchen. Upon entering, my eyes fell on Lucy. She did not notice me at first, barking orders at the cooks. When she did notice me, she sent me a heartwarming smile before hitting someone in the face.

"Make me a sandwich! " I yelled, catching her attention once again. She shook her head and shooed me outside. The last thing I heard was her shouting at a guy named Cameron to make me a sandwich. I waited outside for a while, but my sandwich never came, so I headed back inside.

I took a look at poor Ricky who was still bleeding. The Yankson girl was attending to him, Julie was on her phone, and my brother was watching anime. I plopped down by my brother and asked, "What you watching?"

"Fairytale. It's about—"

"Okay, don't tell me, " I rudely cut him off." Tell me what's been going on the past two weeks. "

" Well, " he began," your team had their last game of the first half of the season. They're second on the league table with fifty—five points,  sixty— one goals,no losses, and one draw. The Saxton Badgers are leading you guys by two points. Also, last week was sex education week at school. " He wrinkled his nose in disgust at the memories of last week. I laughed, grateful that I was not in school last week." Also, today is a Friday."

Grandma appeared again, this time with cookies. She was all smiles, whistling a tune I did not recognize.  She set the cookies on the floor, and told us to help ourselves. I grabbed a cookie and bit into it, savoring the salty taste of butter. The perks of having a crazy grandmother who bakes all the time. I had just about finished my third one when Andre stopped me from taking a fourth. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."  he advised.

"Why not? " I asked with a mouthful.

" She went to play in the mud a while ago. She also doesn't wash her hands. "

" Why does that prevent me from eating this? "

He sighed, giving up on me. I just shrugged. A hand swatted mine away as I reached for my fourth." When you beat up your guests, you offer them your grandson's cookies, " Mazedon said calmly, taking the cookies and putting them in front of Ricky, who had barely woken up. Grandma then walked out, whistling a tune I did not recognize. I just sat there, wondering. What just happened?

I think Grandma stole your cookies.

Oh okay. Let's go murder her then.

She will die anytime soon, so leave it.

I turned to my brother again. He was looking at his phone screen with a stupid smile on his face. I tapped him lightly on the shoulder. He looked up at me with surprise. "Chill. Who are you texting? Never mind. Invite her here,"  I said knowingly. He just shrugged, knowing he would be in for it if he uttered a single word. A few minutes later, Lottie came into the room. She looked at Julie sleeping in a chair and at the door. With a sigh, she went to sit next to me. All the while she did not say a single word. I paid no heed to her as I started playing Lep's World 4 on my phone.




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