A crash for real

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Aren p.o.v.

It has been 8 months since Alex became my girlfriend .... she isn't like any of my ex she dosent boss around every time or get jeoulsy for simple reasons ... she is down to earth .... I like her .... I love her to confess

The bell rings bringing me out of my thoughts....  Alex's family was coming over for dinner.... even  her ass h  step father ...  I was hoping she would come early but no its was her mom and her new family that came ....

Main course was done my dad was asking about Alex to there parents... I mean her mom  visited her every now and than but claaire didnt have the answers to my dad's questions ....she wasn't there for long

Hi  Alex says.... I can't help but smile ... forgetting to be mad at her ... I try ,but no one can be made at for long you see ... jeena get main course for the you lady my dad says .... uh no thank you Mr hunter I am not that hungry i had a sandwich on the way since I was getting late. 

My dad was delighted to meet her .... why are you late? Evan asks like he actually cares .... um the radio station gave me some extra job which made me  late to the shoot and that made me later for dinner

What do you do in the radio station my dad asks ... I am an RJ she says....
And an assistant director... she replies

I can tell by his looks  my father Is impressed .... do you get paid my mom aks
I get paid for the R J thing but not for the assistant director thing she replies to clarie

I smile .... what a pity mom doesn't know what her own daughter does.... my dad was talking to her I couldn't   pay  attention  to his words .... I was looking  at her more like gawking.... she nervous which made her look even more cute

So the desert  came out .... it was chocolate cake which  sides  cheesecake with pudding on the top ... she  digs in with out hesitation....  this is so good she says after taking a bite .... I thought you weren't hungry .... and why did you eat a sandwich if you were coming for dinner ... Evan says with bitterness in his tone

Well its dessert , I am always hungry for dessert and I informed mom and Mr hunter I will be late....  she says taking in other bite .... she finshed hers ....  her father was leaving.... she said bye and came back .... my dad wanted to talk to her ....

He was making him slef a drink ... do you want a drink Alex he asks ... I dont  drink she says in a low pitch .... and when she does  she drinks   to  make  up for all the times was sober   I say as my dad chuckles.... she smiles saying it was this one time she says ... I was sitting next to her ... hey i will give you my cheese cake if you kiss me I whisper she rolls her eyes ...

We were talking .... I approve your marriage my dad says .... she snaps her head towards him .... her cheeks were turning red ... like a tomato  ... making me wish I could taste her ...... shit how can a girls blush turn  me on ...

Um I guess I should leave now she says getting up .... no stay  .... I have to go  she says ... well Emma isn't home so stay the night I ask ...
My dad smiles looking at me and her ... well He is Stubton so you might as well stay .... he says ... she smiles I really have to go  she says .... I will make it worth  your while i say forgetting my dad is there .... the effect she has on me

She goes red again  .... what I don't mean sex .... she likes gossip so we can talk that's what I mean cause we didn't spend a lot of time since summer started ....I defend my slef ..

We'll okay my dad says ..... I stare  at her .... with my hands crossed ... aren she says .... your staying i say walking  her to my room ... kissing my dad good night ... well its normal ... good night she says to my dad ... my dad leaves .... and she started walking down the stairs ... hey where are you going i ask .... aren it 11:30 I have to go to the shoot at 6 : 30 please .... Maybe some other day she says .... no i say carrying her bridal style .... you can where my shirt and the same Jean's  after Wash  I say

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