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Chapter 7

            Kellen and Naveen come over in a few minutes time and I pace. “What in the word?” Kellen asks.

“It’s important,” I say.

“What is that?” Naveen asks, referring to the letter. I tell her.

“What’s it say?” Kellen asks. Adair paces behind him. I let read it before they got here.

“This is not just for you, Kee,” I begin, “This is for Kellen, Adair, and Naveen as well. I know I told you that you need to be careful and that you had to leave, but you need to go now. I’m not sure if you’ll ever get this, but if you do I hope you heed my warning. I understand if you don’t, I know how hard headed you are, but ask Kellen. He knows why you have to go, and now. I knew this was coming, I wish I could have had more time to tell you everything. I need to go, this is dangerous, I really hope you get this.” I look up at Kellen.

“His tattoo…” he says, shaking his head, “It could have been thought as treasonous. And, it was either the Tarahcle report him, or he join the army and never speak of it again. He thought he’d get caught, I mean he’s never been shy about himself, and so he thinks they’re going to come after us.” I ask him why. “Because I have two tattoos, and I won’t leave without Naveen, and you’re related to him so you must be treasonous too.” I raise my eyebrow, and he adds, “Words of the government.”

“And I won’t leave without Adair,” I say. Everyone stares at me but no one says anything. I didn’t realize it until now, but it’s true.

“Where are we going? What do you mean by leave?” Adair asks.

Kellen shrugs, “Out of Nosaes.”

“Is it that serious?” I ask.

Adair and Kellen nod.

“I wouldn’t mind my tattoo being nulled.” Adair says. I want to ask what it is but it feels like the wrong time.

“I’d like to not have to worry about listing mine in a few years.” Kellen adds.

“Well, when are we going then? How are we going?” I ask. Naveen shifts awkwardly next to me.

“I can’t go,” she says.

“What do you mean?” Kellen asks.

“I can’t just leave. Risto and Jencir… they need me,” she says quietly.

“Bring them with, I could bring Talus,” Kellen says.

“No that’s ridiculous,” I say, shaking my head.

“It would be hard but safer for them. If we leave, we can’t protect them,” Adair says.

“They live with their parents, that’s what they’re there for,” I say.

“I’m not leaving them,” Naveen says.

            I go to the bathroom because I need to get away for a minute. There is no way we can get far with the kids. Not at all. Since Teague told all of us it’s got to be urgent. I hear the doorbell so I go to see who it is. I catch the tail end of Kellen taking Finn outside. “What is he doing here?” I ask, running down the steps. Adair catches me before I run outside. “Why is he here?” I ask, fighting tears and trying not to shake.

“I don’t know, but Kellen is taking care of it, stay inside.” Adair says.

“No,” I say, struggling to wriggle out of grip, “I want to go.” Adair hesitates, then releases me. I nearly hit the door when he lets go. I straighten myself and head outside. They’re not in the front so I walk outside to the back. I scream, but Kellen doesn’t stop. He hits Finn again, and again, and again. I shake, and try to pull him off.

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