Loke and Aries

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Somwhere, deep in the Celestial Forest, a fair maiden is locked away in a tower by a wicked witch. A wicked witch. Not all witches are bad! Anyway, somewhere else deep in the forest is our hero.
"I should have brought bug spray. Why didn't I bring bug spray?", our dashing hero, Prince Loke complains. "Thanks author! I know I'm good looking but I think thays going too far. Actually, it's not, so go ahead!"

\(· -·)/*   (·<·)  (·- )



Loke dies. The end.

Anyway, Loke finally stumbles across the tower. And by that, I mean he tripped on a rock and crashed into it... Hearing the comotion- by which I mean Loke cursing and yelling about his 'beautiful' face-, our kind and exquisite princess Aries peeks outside the tower window.

"Ah, are you okay? I mean, I don't know you but you sounded like you were hurt- I mean, I don't talk to strangers but I would be willing to help. Oh, god! Did I call you a stranger! You look like a prince! Have you come to rescue me - Oh, how selfish of me to think about my self....Fir..st........" She trailed off. Probably because Loke was staring at her with the most disturbing straight, or poker face. "Sorry! I was so rude! I'm so sorry!"

"No, my lady, my apologies. I was staring for far too long. I didn't mean to offend you." He replied.
"Oh. Um... Yeah thanks... Mind getting ne out of this tower? I know you're a prince and all, but I mean we were chatting... So.. Um... Sorry. Wait. Sorry for apologizing.... focus... Okay. So..."
"How about I rescue you? You wouldn't have to talk or anything. And I wouldn't mind you being my princess, seeing how you are so very pretty and nice!", Loke said. Aries blushed.

Loke was told his princess was going to have a means to get him up there. Hair, maybe? That was pretty normal. So he shouted,"Aries, Aries, let down your hair!"
"Oh. I'm sorry, did they tell you it was hair?", She asked. "Because I have something else. Wool!" A huge amount of white, flufy, and incredibly strong wool came flying out of the castle. A big length of it was connected to the top of the tower. "Climb up!" Loke was astonished. Where did she get all this wool? When he got to the top, he saw her room was full of it.
"Where did it come from?" Loke inquired.
"I make it myself. Well, not in a super weird way. You may see that I have no sheep. Well, I am a half ram. No, I am not a furry because that makes it weird. And before you say it, no. It does not grow on my body. I make it with magic. It pretty much pops into existence randomly. I can store the extra away for when I need it."
"What- how... Not trying to be rude at all my lady. I just think that is really Jivin'' (If anyone knows what web comic that is from, then mention it in the comments. I have a prize for whoever says it first.)
"So, are you going to bring me down (sorry)?"
"Wait, how do we get down?!"

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