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I was finally snapped out of the shock and trauma I was in...and I was looking up at Criss...he gently wiped my hair from my face...and slowly leaned toward me and kissed me on the lips and asked me if I was ok...but all I could do was cry...and say over and over again that I tried to help him...but I couldn't get him loose...Criss held me closer and told me I did all I could...but he wasn't about to let me die in there with him...so he made the decision to get me out no matter what the cost...he wasn't going to loose me. Klayton broke up the moment and said we have entered the jungle...Criss stood up and helped me...as we all looked around...and we were in fact, in what seemed to be like a jungle...Sully looked around and said it was a Trophy Room.

The Taxidermy was of exotic animals...we all walked passed them and gave a quick look at them all there was a bust of a huge black Rhino...and a charging Bull Elephant and a few full body taxiderms of an African lion, Bengal tiger, a wild boar, and at near the exit door there was a huge polar bear that was on its hind legs with its paws extended out as if wanting to attack...they all seemed to be alive, and staring at us all like we were the ones that captured and killed them...Rachel felt so bad for the poor creatures...and begged Klayton to get her out of the room...he led the way to the exit with the rest of us following close behind...with Nick taking the rear of the line...he was quite a trophy man himself and loved some of the artwork the taxidermist did to the magnificent animals.

Unfortunately, the animals didn't feel the same way...for the next thing we all heard was a quick blood-curdling scream and then nothing...Criss handed me to Klayton and told us all to stay there...as he went back to check it out...Criss came back to us and said that there was no sign of Nick anywhere...all that was left was blood dripping off of the giant polar bear's fangs and claws...with a pool of blood at the bear's hind legs. After Nick's gruesome and unknown demise Zoey and Karalea started to holler and scream uncontrollably and said there was no way this was really happening...they were at the brink of losing their sanity after all the gruesome feats that we all went thru and witnessed...Leland and Ed forced them into silence and told them that this was in fact very fucking real, and people were dying...and we needed to keep moving until we found a way to get out...before the house killed us too.

Klayton lead us into the next room which turned out to be a huge Library...after we all sat down at the large tables in the center of the room...an uneasy stir of dead silence...filled the room...so Zoey and Karalea decided to make a little bit of noise by singing a little bit...while looking at the shelves that had from ceiling to floor books...but Sully exclaimed they weren't ordinary literature...they were books written in blood, and the covers were made entirely of human skin. Zoey noticed the one book that was sitting in its own book cradle in the back of the room...but as soon as she saw it...Criss warned her and everyone to stay away from it...for it had very bad vibes to it, so instead Karalea went back to the group and sat down to take a much-needed rest.

Zoey kept staring at the one book...for she was a heavy book fanatic and was very interested in it...and when no one was paying attention to her...she snuck back to the book and opened it to admire the pages...she didn't know what the words meant...but she unknowingly pronounced them right...after she finished reading it...the language from the pages changed into English vocabulary...and she quickly realized that she just chanted some kind of ancient spell...a thick fog fills the room...the girls all scream from the creepy sensation the fog delivers to them all...then we all hear Criss and Klayton's voice telling us all not to move an inch until the fog clears...when the room finally cleared Criss immediately notices that Zoey was missing...after the widespread search thru the entire library...Klayton looks down at the book that was closed earlier...and sees bound within its pages was an image in blood of Zoey. Klayton quickly slams the book shut...and backs away from it...and tells all of us that we need to get the fuck out of this room.

Criss was now leading the way to our next destination...which was hopefully going to be a place to sleep...but no such luck...but the room was a little bit more cheery than the last...Criss sensed good vibes in the room...then as he reached around the back door for a light switch and the lights came on...we found ourselves in a child's nursery/play room...it was filled with daybeds, large shelves with kid's stories, stuffed clowns, toy blocks, and rocking horses...Criss took a seat on one of the daybeds and grabbed a stuffed toy from it...and held it close to him for a moment...then we all witnessed the spirit of a 13-year-old girl approach Criss, and handed him her toy...then magically the music box from the nightstand turns on and plays Mary had a Little Lamb. The little girl holds her hand out to Criss wanting him to dance with her...Criss gets up and dances with her...until the music box went off...then she smiled up at him and pulled him to the book case...and with her mind, she tells him to move it.

Criss pushed the shelf aside and shows us the secret passage to another room...the little girl showed us the way into the Study...where she shows us all the books that had all the children that were adopted to this household and used for evil rituals and sacrifices...Criss teared up and said he would help them all get out of the evil place...then the little girl pointed us to another room then vanished.

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