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After the very long and unsuccessful detour, Leland and Siera took us on...Carrot-top decided to take us on his own little detour...telling us that when it came to food...he could definitely find the kitchen...and sure enough within the hour he led us straight into the kitchen doors...even though it was very run down...and full of cobwebs...we were still hoping that there was something we could use to at least start a fire with...for the house was always cold...Sully gathered some shit together and started a nice fire in the middle of the floor...for it already had a hole in it...Ed and Lorraine went thru the carry sacks to see if there was anything at all in them to eat...which we were in a little luck for Ed found a can of Spam...and some Vienna sausages and some chicken flavored Raman noodles.

Criss found some old skillets and one pot...then added water in them and began preparing the little feast...Karalea, Rachel, and I served the food in very old bowls that were in the cupboards...but beens we were short on silverware we had to eat with our fingers. It was during our moment of eating and peace...was when Ed and Lorraine both spoke up and asked Criss if he knew why he was the only one that wasn't being attacked or affected by the house...that got all of the others wondering it and they all looked at Criss...Criss stood up and said it wasn't the house that was evil...it was the demon that resided in it...and the ghosts we encountered weren't evil...they were just victims just like us...and all they wanted was out...just like us...then he slowed down and said the house couldn't harm him...because the entity wanted him to convert...and become part of it...and then he told us all that it already tried many times to brainwash him...but his mind, body, and spirit was too strong for the entity to overpower.

I crawled over to him, and laid on his arm...and asked him if he knew how it was going to end...Criss wrapped his arms around me and didn't answer...for Lorraine's rude interruption...and she asked Criss what all did he know about...that he failed to mention to us all...Klayton sat down beside us and stood up for Criss and said if there was anything important that was needed to know Criss would tell us...and if it was something bad...Criss would keep it unrevealed unless he couldn't change it from happening...then he'd tell us...Criss smiled at him and said that was exactly what he was doing...just for the fact, if he told everyone how they were going to die...that all the hope would be gone...and all they would do is wait for it to happen...instead of trying to get out...and so far...he kept two of the fates from happening.

Ed jumped up and looked Criss straight in the eyes and ordered him to tell us what he knew...Criss slid me out of his lap and kissed my hand...then looked right back into Ed's eyes...and said eventually the evil would kill us all...unless we stick together, keep focused, and believe in one another...Ed grabbed his arm and said he knew that already...he wanted to know who the next victim would be...and how it was going to happen...Criss looked over and Lorraine...then back to Ed...and said he was the next one in line for death...and it wasn't going to be pretty but very quick...he wasn't going to suffer very long...and so far there was nothing he could do about it.

Lorraine ran over to him and called Criss a liar...then held her husband tightly and said it wasn't going to happen...then she drug him back to where the fire was and wrapped her arms around him...Klayton moved behind Criss and asked him how it was going to happen...Criss pulled Klayton, Sully, and Leland away from us girls...then told them exactly how Ed was going to be killed...that he saw it in vivid color...and it was going to be done in this very room...which was why he was trying to keep us all from wanting to leave it...because as soon as everyone wanted to leave the room...that was when it was going to happen.

After three hours of Criss keeping them in the kitchen...Ed and Lorraine both stood up and said it was time to move out...and find a way out of this fucking house...so we all could get on with our lives...and never go to another haunted place ever...Criss refused to get up or leave...I sat down with him...and said I was too tired to go on right now...and laid my head on his shoulder...then I looked over at Klayton and Rachel...Sandy caught on quickly...and said she wanted to sleep there for the night...and didn't want to move out yet either...Sully was always ready to go to bed with his wife early...so he plopped down very willingly next to her...Rachel sat down beside me and said she would play along with us and stay too...beens nothing really bad has happened to us in this room...it was safe to stay longer. Klayton sat down in front of Criss and looked right at him...and asked him if this was going to save Ed...or just delay the inevitable...Criss lowered his gaze and slowly said he didn't know.

Ed and Lorraine blew a lot of steam...but sat down anyway...Lorraine looked over at Criss and asked him what in the hell was he stalling for...when we should be moving on trying to be looking for a way out...Criss had all he could take and he blew up at them both...


There is no fucking way out of this house!!...none of us are going to live...and the only reason I was trying to keep us all in the room...is to keep from seeing Ed being sliced into a million fucking bloody pieces from that huge pane of glass shattering on top of him!...but everyone wants to move on so we could watch us one by one die very horribly...then get the fuck up and lets go!!...because I just love the danger...then after Ed, dies...it goes to the beautiful Karalea...she dies next!!...(Criss turns to look right at Karalea)...would you like to know how you die!! Good, because I am going to tell you all exactly what you want...everything I know...& everything I've seen!!!(Criss then turns right at me) Then maybe I won't have to live with the fact alone, that I have to watch all my friends...and the one I've learned to love more than life...die before me!

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