A Bright Looking Future!(Kinda)

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Hello this is my first x-reader so bare with me! Please enjoy!
(This takes place after Haruhi is discovered a girl)Hello I am Y/n L/n and am the daughter of a professional painter. As I said my father is a painter and owner of the L/n painting company that I work at. We were with a very important client one day that was the Chairman of Ouran Academy and he wanted a room in the Highschool painted. He offered me a scholarship to the highschool and my father a check. We were grateful but my father turned down the check because this school was that important-looking and sounding. Now here I am painting a music room all by myself. My father had to get more plastic to cover the floor. That has not been covered yet.

~Introduction is over~

As I waited for my father I decided to explore the music room a bit before he got here.

"Huh?Thats weird this doesn't look like a music room at all!" I said as I looked at the tables with FANCY china.

"Why is everything look so expensive here!These damn rich people!"I said as I sighed  over how rich these people are.

"I better get started now or else we'll finish by next week."I said as I opened a can of cremish looking paint and filling my bucket halfway with paint.

As I grabbed my brush I stood up while holding the bucket and brush. I started walking to the wall in the corner but suddenly a banana peel gets in the way."ACK! MOTHER FUCKER!" I yelled as I slipped on the banana peel and paint fell on the fancy stuff.

" Oh nooo! No no no no no no no no no no! SHIT! Im dead Im gonna die while rich people laugh at me for this im going to fucking die here!" I yelled at myself for ruining the fucking expensive stuff!

"You shouldn't have yelled or you could've just gotten away with this you know?"
A deep voice said behind me.
Hello I just need to know if I should write shorter chapters but faster updates or longer chapters with shorter updates let me know by commenting!


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