60: still waiting

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The ring on Tyler's finger had little meaning anymore. It was a symbol of the love him and Joshua shared... but how can a man with no conscience who's been sleeping for three weeks be in love? Love has two ways, like a conversation. One can not conversate with ones self, it's nothing a person with a sane mind would do. Tis the act of a madman... so is loving a man who can not love you back the act of a madman? Josh worried himself. Why must his mind be as deep as the universe itself? Infinite spaces with infinite possibilities, which takes him back to square one. Possibility. It was all linked in one way or another. Like the stars, like a game of connect the dots. But, for whatever reason it never fell into perfect place like he'd hope. His mind was wild. It couldn't be tamed, like a Tiger born and raised in the wild jungle. It's instinct was to run wild, and be free. Josh was raised like the instinct of the Tiger. He wasn't quite sure if this was a curse or a blessing... guess it really depended on the event. Ask him a question, he will come up with the best answer, but great answers to not come easily. There are ups and downs to a deep mind.. but at a time like this, Josh wished he was nothing more than a drone like every other slave in this wasteland of a planet. His array of thoughts and dramatic-novel-like brain storm was cut off with the buzzing of his phone.

Brendon: heyy

Josh: hello

Brendon: what's up

Josh: sitting with my husband. Thinking about shit. Ya know.

Brendon: yup.. sorta. You busy later?

Josh: well,  I was planning on sitting with Tyler.

Brendon: that will take forever man

Josh: ..

Brendon: sorry, that was insensitive

Josh: it's cool

Brendon: text me when you need..

Josh: yup

Josh sat and watched Tyler breathe and radiate heat for the fourth week in a row.

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