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So I guess ill start this off with...

My name is [Miles].

Haha sorry I had to. Okay but for real, hello my boys, girls, queer peers and more!

My name is Miles and I am here today as a writer, trying to discover your true inner gayness and show it to the world!

That or I'm here because your reading this out of boredom.

One of the two.

Well to actually start off, I'm going to list some facts about me.

1. I'm Pansexual and Genderqueer.
2. I am 5'5".
3. I am such a big fan of Supernatural, I named my dog after Castiel.
4. I'm still in the closet to a lot of people.
5. I like sharpies.
6. I have dyslexia and commonly have panic attacks.
7. I love ending everything with periods because it makes me feel straight to the point.
8. Yes, I do sadly own a fidget spinner.
9. But you can't get mad because it's Batman.
10. Oh, I also love Batman. Like a lot.
11. I like to ship people together all the time.
12. I have one brother.
13. I do self harm.
14. I am always open to talk to if needed. ALWAYS.
15. I once had a Tumblr but lost its password and cried for about 2 hours.
16. My favorite bands will forever be Twenty One Pilots and Panic! at The Disco.
17. One word. MilesChronicles.
18. I have really bad allergies to cats, dandelions, and that yellow pollen stuff.
19. I HATE hairs not connected to the body.
20. I actually have a boyfriend. And he's pansexual.
21. Dan and Phil give me life.
22. I am afraid of Bridges that go over water.
23. I don't really like FaceBook.
24. I don't really have a specific religion.
25. I am running out of ideas so I'm just going to stop now.

Well that all for this chapter I guess. Bye!

[Update: I no longer have a boyfriend. He was a jerk and did stuff so he's... POOF GONE. So I'm single *really awkward, messed up wink.*]

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