The Quest (Read Story Description first!)

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     After her spy came back with the book, Karen Victoria had to leave her kingdom to save it from the enemy

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     After her spy came back with the book, Karen Victoria had to leave her kingdom to save it from the enemy. King James, leader of their enemy, was known for trickery and resources, such as the fire oak sap, (a clear and tasteless substance that grows in enemy territory, and was also the sap that his "poison messengers" poured into the kingdom's water supply).

     Karen was standing all alone encircled by fire while King James' army darted aroundthrough the intense flames waving their weapons at her. Karen looked behind her and found she had been bound to a wooden beam. She tried to break free, but it was no use. Suddenly, the army advanced quickly, pointing the edges of their swords towards her. She screamed, but she couldn't hear herself. She felt dizzy. Karen awoke screaming, covered head to toe in thick sweat as if she had actually been there and had escaped seconds ago from the fiery room. Her maid came rushing in, pale from the exhaustion of running to Karen's aide.

     "Sweetie, are you alright? I heard you scream." She peered in . "Oh, poor thing, let me get you a fan to cool you off. I mean, I'd give you a wet cloth, but seeing as--"

     "I'm fine, I need to be up anyway. Thank you for your concern." Karen wiped the sweat off of her dripping head.

     "But it's 3 o'clock dear," the maid cooed.

     "I know. You are dismissed." The maid left quickly as if someone else had also screamed. Karen pulled off the covers and put on her slippers. She dragged her feet on the wood floor of the castle and went downstairs to the dining room hall. She stood in the doorway for a moment, looking at her parents who were inflicted with the disease. Their cups of water were still held up to their mouths, as if they were drinking, but of course they weren't. They, like most of the kingdom, were stone dragons, immovable, and incapable of drinking.

     She remembered that day like it was yesterday. Karen's parents were discussing if they should send her to full time training for the war that had just begun between King James and Eldon, they thought they had the war figured out with King James' army low, so she had no use near the castle, they thought. Karen wouldn't eat at the thought of the war, she started to walk out of the hall. Her parents exclaimed that their throats were dry from the war going on, just to make her feel better, they both took a drink of water. Karen heard the rock creeping up their bodies, then screamed as she turned around, they were stone.

     Karen wasn't hungry. She went back up the vast palace steps, dressed and packed for the journey to find the cure. It was said in the book that when found, the dragon would have to be tamed enough to want to cure the disease. She knew this was a problem, but she still had to at least try. She grabbed her sword from the weapon room.

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