Pride Day on Diagon Alley

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Written by Malfoysscarhead on Tumblr

Someone, please remind Harry not to trust Hermione with something like this anymore. Of course it seemed like a brilliant idea at the beginning, but don't they all? Every single plan they've had along eight years of school turned against Harry, and now this one will do as well.
How does he know?
Well, because the simplest idea of attending Pride Day -that's how Hermione called it- on Diagon Alley with Draco Malfoy gave Harry shivers and the anticipation about how bad this could go was making Harry want to hide into his cupboard.
After the War he, of course, thought his life would settle down at least for one month -Harry couldn't have hoped for more- but he was compelled by his Gryffindor friend to go back to Hogwarts to finish his studies and become a successful Auror McGonagall once believed he could be.
But who could have known Draco Malfoy became so fit over one summer?
So they started again their endless dance around each-other until Hermione decided she had enough. Pride day still seemed like a disastrous idea...

"Hermione, I don't understand why I have to do this..." Harry complained as his friend spelled one of his t-shirts in the rainbow colors and made small golden snitches fly on it. "It's a stupid idea, and Malfoy probably hates it as well!"
"You would be surprised to find out that Draco Malfoy completely agreed," Hermione said, shooting a glare towards Ron who was dying of laughter on the bed from Harry's room at 12 Grimmauld Place.
"I bet it the git did it only to annoy you, mate, but this is way too funny to make it stop," Ron burst into laughter once more and Harry tossed a rainbow colored scarf at him.
"I hope you are coming as well," Harry told Hermione, watching as she conjured a hand of Pride flags.
"Of course, Harry. I am the organizer and since Ron is my boyfriend and he supports the other sexual orientations from the Wizarding World, he is also coming with us," she replied and with a touch of her wand, the tips of her hair flared in the rainbow colors. Hermione turned upon Ron who tried to duck behind the bed post, but he was hit by her spell, the scarf wrapping around his neck and a Pride hat in the Abraham Lincoln style appearing on his head. It was Harry's turn to erupt into laughter.
"'Mione! The hat was really necessary?" he frowned and stared in annoyance at Hermione who only pinned him on the spot with a glare then turned towards the door, leaving the room.
Harry and Ron left after her, towards the Floo, where she was waiting for them and straightening invisible creases from her clothes. Since she was coordinating the event, Hermione was now the most stressed out from them. She's been thrilled when the Minister approved her Pride Day idea and The Prophet didn't missed the chance to secure a place for interviews in the newspaper's new edition. Harry was head of list when it came to that and now he was going to be seen there with Draco sodding Malfoy because Hermione thought it was a good idea to let old animosities in the past and since she found out Harry fancied him... it was another good occasion to torment him.
And so, Harry said his last prayers and stepped through the Floo.

He will forever hate rainbows after he's seen so many in one place.
Harry felt his head dizzy as soon as he stepped out of the Floo on Diagon Alley. Thousands of people wearing the Pride flag on their clothes, hair, shoes or heads were enthusiastically walking from shop to shop, holding hands no matter of the gender and laughing in pure bliss. Hermione was practically beaming next to him, as she was hugging an agenda against her chest and looking delighted at all the wizards and witches, some of them recognizing her and waving in gratitude.
"We should find Malfoy," Harry said, attempting to nonchalance and trying to hide his growing anxiety.
"Why, Potter, eager to see me?" came a voice besides him and Harry clenched his jaw before slowly turning and taking in the looks of the man. Malfoy was dressed up in a white shirt with rainbow suspenders attached to a pair of black trousers and a scarf just as colorful around his neck. Harry felt his throat tighten at the sight because again, who could have thought Malfoy looked that stunning with suspenders?
"Always a pleasure, Malfoy," Harry said and watched as a smirk made it's way onto the blonde's face. In that moment, Harry wasn't sure he wanted to hex the tosser or slam him against a wall and snog him senseless. He was rescued from the situation by Ron who approached Harry and threw an arm around his shoulders.
"I don't know about you, but I would very much enjoy a Butterbeer," Ron said and grinned at Malfoy. Slowly, a smile spread up on the git's face as well but his eyes remained fixed on Harry whilst he spoke.
"I perfectly agree, Weasley. It's getting a little hot here, isn't it?" again, Harry was tore between two options. He hated the ferret however...
"Oh, Malfoy, here you are," Hermione said as she came next to Harry and stretched out a hand which Malfoy took and gave it a small shake. "I must go and find the Ministry official. Ron, you better leave Harry and Draco to themselves-"
"But 'Mione-" Harry uttered but was cut of by Hermione's waving hand.
"No, he must go and find George to help him at the shop. Angelina must be already there but I doubt it since she said she will arrive a little late. Harry, if you run into Neville and Hannah you can tell them we are at the Leaky Cauldron. After I hold my meeting with the Ministry rep we will all come here and search for you. Go have fun, come on Ron," she said an Ron had time only to mutter a 'Good luck, mate' before he was pulled away by Hermione, leaving Malfoy and Harry alone.
"So, Potter," Malfoy spoke.
"No, bloody no! I am going for an ice cream at Florean Fortescue's and you can't stop me," Harry hurried to put as much distance between him and Malfoy as possible. When he testified at the wanker's trial before his eight year, he never thought he would end up here, with the git in discussion on a Pride Day at Diagon Alley.
He bet Voldemort was laughing his arse off at the situation.
Harry entered Florean's and went to get his favorite mint ice cream, accepting the offer at some special rainbow topping. After Mr Fortescue's death at the hands of Death Eaters, the ice cream shop was inherited by his daughter who ran it with as much joy as his father once did.
"A chocolate one, please," a voice next to Harry said, and he didn't need to turn his head to realize the owner of it was Draco Malfoy. The bugger payed for his ice cream and sat next to Harry, starting to casually eat it, sparing occasionally glances at Harry who pretended not to notice them. At one moment, the blonde's knee touched Harry's own and the Gryffindor snapped. He briskly turned towards the git and his glasses almost flew away from his face.
"Why can't you sod off already and leave me alone?" he screeched and Malfoy arched an eyebrow before leisurely turning back at eating his ice cream. Harry noticed he had some chocolate on his upper lip and hated himself for wanting to weep it of.
With his tongue.
"I'm not doing anything. I'm just enjoying Pride Day like any other person would do," Malfoy replied and glanced innocently at Harry.
"No! You are bloody well not! You just want to get on my nerves you infuriating tosser!" Harry continued to bellow towards the blonde, attracting some curious staring from across the shop.
"We just met a few minutes ago, Potter. Can't you just get over yourself for once and do what Granger suggested and try to get along with me?" Malfoy turned to Harry and very slowly and deliberately licked the chocolate from his upper lip. Harry gulped and ate the last of his ice cream before storming out of the shop, without noticing Malfoy following. As soon as he was outside, all hell broke loose.
And it started with Lee Jordan.
"Now, it's time for the moment we all have been waiting for! The Pride Day special pairing! Let's see who will have the honor of showing us how proud he or she is by snogging senseless his or her lover-"
"Jordan! Follow the lines I've written for you!" could've been heard above the crowd and Harry recognized the voice as Hermione's.
"I'm just telling how it is, Hermione. Now, let's see who we have here..."
A ray of light loomed upon the crowd and Harry couldn't even record what was happening before he was blinded by the bright light and his feet remained stuck to the ground like being under a magic mistletoe. He blinked twice to adjust to the light and saw another silhouette glisten next to him, the blonde tint of it's hair almost blinding. Oh shit. Ohfuckohfuckohfuck!
"And our lucky pairing seems to be... unbelievable! The Savior of the Wizarding World, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, an ex-Death Eater!"
As soon as Jordan said that, audible gasps could be heard along with some cat calls, before the crowd started to chant "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" and Malfoy's figure came into focus. Harry's eyes widened in horror at the sight of the wanker's smirk and he tried to back away but his feet were sealed to the ground. Malfoy made a step towards him, then another, and Harry gaped in panic, his face becoming livid. He couldn't understand how the git was moving and his feet weren't stuck as Harry's were. Just like he could hear his thoughts, Malfoy answered him.
"We can only move towards each-other, Potter- or, might as well start calling you Harry, because it seems the only alternative we have is to kiss, and I refuse to snog people who think as me only as a Malfoy," he said and grabbed hold of Harry's bicep, pulling him closer. Then the whole world seemed to fade.
There were only him and Malfoy. The blonde's maddening scent filled Harry's nostrils and a shudder of anticipation was enough to increase his already owned boner -even though, Harry would never admit he started having one the moment he saw Malfoy in those rainbow suspenders-. He let in the urge to approach Malfoy and saw the grey eyes dark with lust before he whispered one more thing from inches apart.
"Then kiss me, Draco,"
Their lips crashed forcefully in an all awaited kiss. Harry put everything he felt for the git in that kiss, along with the need to feel him closer, closer. He circled Draco's waist with one hand, the other tangled in the blonde strands, just as the man circled Harry's shoulders with both arms in a protective manner Harry never thought he was able of. He felt Draco's tongue seeking permission and parted his lips, allowing it's entrance and looking forward to taste Draco as much as possible in that moment. Draco's mouth fitted perfectly against his and he cursed himself for wasting every second of his life by not doing this.
Lost in the heated kissing, he never noticed the cheering that started around them, until when the need of air kicked in and he realized he could move his feet backwards. His eyes locked with Draco's in a silent promise of "Later" and he grinned with his forehead pressed against the blonde's.
He owed Hermione one.

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