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Listen: I'm not going to start anything with my ugly sob story.

What happened two years ago was something I only wish to completely erase from my mind but to make life a lot easier to understand, I'll list out the major events making it Hell-On-Earth-Year.

My parents got a divorce the first day of high school.

One of my older brothers completely disappeared from his college and it wasn't until three months later did he send me an email saying he was in India on a mission trip to find himself or some nonsense like that.

His twin is now a wealthy lawyer working in my mom's office a couple miles away. He was all against me leaving after the divorce with my dad but at the time I had blamed my mother for everything since she was the one caught cheating.

I didn't find out until six months ago that Mom saw something in him that all of us was blinded to.

At least until it was too late.

As if my family life wasn't complicated enough.

My supposed-to-be warm school life complemented my family life beautifully.

My closest friend even turned her back on me. Literally she was an angel and it was at if she witnessed me murder all her stuff animals then moved on to her new puppy. So she teamed up with the Queen Bitch of the school and turned my quiet life into well...hell.

As if that wasn't all bad, a certain guy would go out of his way to make my entire life miserable. He has been since I don't know...

Literally the moment we laid eyes on each other. It was a play date when we were three and when he first came into the neighborhood. I remember so vividly because he had grabbed some scissors from my brother's room and cut off a pigtail while I was distracted with the glue he stuck all over my hands. That little devil literally made it his mission to murder my reputation points ever since then.

He'd later join in my ex-friend's taunting and always took it a step further. He acted on the threats he made. Most of which was...

My reflection was staring back at me: at the body I spent so much time and effort on. None of this: the curves, the toned arms and thighs, my raven hair laying down my back, the single flat stomach

Everything on me right now, including the marks of my battles against the man I thought I could trust with everything in the world. One scar beginning its journey from my stomach down to my right hip always makes me ran a finger down its ugly purple body.

"Cleo?" My mother's voice echoed somewhere.

I let my white t-shirt fall over my stomach to cover the scar; afraid if my mom came in seeing me watching my wounds she'd freak out like she always do.

"Cleo Cake?"

My eyes immediately rolled to the back of my head at my stupid nickname.

Nonetheless, "Yes?" I answered back, trying to contain the stupid emotions returning.

She immediately asked, "Do you need a ride to school?"

I shook my head.

Wait she can't see that.

"I can drive."

Ashes of My Memories | Watty's 2017Where stories live. Discover now