15. Intoxicating

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I had drank my fair share of alcohol as the night went on and boy was i starting to feel it. I had danced for so long I didn't even realise how tired I was and how much my feet were killing from those boots. I found an empty booth and took the opportunity to sit myself down.

I was perfectly fine minding my own business until this blonde shaggy haired guy came up and stood in front of me.

"What are you doing sitting down?" He tried to smirk but i found myself comparing his smile to Carls. I needed to stop drinking.

"Umm resting?" I humoured him. It had been a while since someone other than Carl hit on me.

"You don't need rest I was sure enjoying the show out there," he said pointing to the dance floor. I was mentally cringing so hard. "I know what you need, another drink!"

"I'm good actually!" I smiled gesturing to the full glass I was holding. 

"Oh come on let me buy you another," he winked.

"No I think she's good!" A stern voice from behind the blonde guy chimed in.

"What are you her boyfriend?" He laughed turning around to face Carl.

"No but you don't wanna know what ill do if you get any closer!" Carl was so serious right now I couldn't help but giggle at his tough persona. It was also super sexy but that's another thing.

"Come find me if you want to have fun without a guardian later!" The blonde kid winked at me before pushing Carl out his way. Ill keep that in mind.

Carl rolled his eyes before sitting himself down next to me.

"Well if it isn't my guardian," I winked at him earning a genuine smile as he slid me another drink. This boy was in the good books tonight. "If I didn't know better I'd think you were trying to get me drunk Gallagher."

"And what if I was?" He teased. I was too drunk at this point to let the goosebumps he gave me ruin my confidence.

"Id say that it would be very irresponsible of you!" I giggled chugging down the last of my drink and sipping the new one.

"Nothing wrong with being a little irresponsible every now and then!" He said turning to face me and my god his eyes and lips were so intoxicating. Even more so than al the alcohol I'd drank.

"Where's your girlfriend tonight?" The words tumbled out my mouth before I had a chance to stop them.

"Don't do this A!" He groaned loosing the playfulness.

"Do what?" I answered innocently. "I'm just being a good best friend and asking about your girlfriend?" He rolled his eyes.

"Okay then best friend, how's the single life treating you now?" He asked trying to be smug. Our conversation was interrupted by a tall dark haired boy.

"Sorry I don't mean to interrupt," he smiled, "but do you wanna dance?" He asked me. He is cute why not.

"She's fine-" Carl began sternly but i jumped up before he could finish.

"Actually id love to," I smiled at the boy. I walked past Carl and his face was a mix of shock and anger. "Single life is treating me fucking marvellous!" I grinned before leaving him by himself at the booth and following the cute boy. I was on fire tonight.


From where we were dancing I could see Carl perfectly and if looks could kill me and this guy would be 6 feet under. Not going to lie though. I was fucking loving it.

I may be sounding like a huge attention whore but it felt nice to actually be wanted. I was so used to Matt who made me feel about as sexy as a nun. But this cute guy was holding my back flat against his stomach as we danced away and it felt nice. He wasn't causing explosions in my stomach or anything but I felt good. Not to mention Carl was totally jealous and that may have been the cause of the stomach explosions.

It felt like I'd danced with this guy for ages and his moves started getting more aggressive and more sexual but I was too drunk to care until he span me around pressed against his front.
"Do you wanna get outta here?" He purred into my ear. Definitely not. But before I got the chance to interrupt I felt someone wrap their arm around my arm and pull me away from this guys hold. I knew who it was before I even saw his face. "Oi!" The guy yelled out.

"You had your fun now fuck off!" Carl spat and the guy sauntered off. I turned around to give him a smart ass comment but when I turned around my words failed me. I turned around and his face was way closer to mine than I expected and his arm stayed wrapped around me.

"Oh my god!" I gasped unintentionally. I was completely captured under his gaze and quite surprised by the position we were in but thoroughly enjoying it. He ignored me taking a moment to trail his eyes up and down me.

"Home time?" He asked but I had no doubt he was informing me that we were leaving not asking. All i could manage was a nod and with that he steered me around and guided me outside by the waist.  The cold air woke me up and allowed me to re gain myself. Jesus what is this boy doing to me.

"Where are the others?" I asked looking around as Carl gestured for a taxi to pull over.

"They've already left!" Oh no how long have I been dancing for.

"Oh!" Was all i could muster. I grabbed my phone out my bag and sure enough there was a text from Emma.

Em: So we were trying to find you to tell you that we were leaving but Carl insisted that we should just go and he would bring you home later. Have fun girl I want all the details tomorrow ;) xx

So it was Carl that told them to leave without me. What was he up to? As a taxi pulled up he opened the back door for me then climbed in after me.

"Mine or yours?" He asked me as the driver pulled off. I immediately got goosebumps all over and I had no idea why it was a completely innocent question. We stayed at each other's houses all the time but this time felt different and that made me nervous.

"Yours!" I croaked. I knew there was less of a chance or anything happening at his house because he lives in a full house where as mine is private. He nodded at me telling the driver his address but not taking his eyes off mine. His eyes were completely and utterly in every sense of the word intoxicating. I couldn't bring myself to look at his lips. His lips kill me and I didn't trust my drunk state not to jump him then and there.

I woke up and hasn't even realised I'd fallen asleep when we pulled up out the front of his house. I was rested on Carls shoulder and he gently nudged me awake as he paid the driver and we got out.

"Cold?" He asked quite sternly. I couldn't decipher his mood which was abnormal for me. Usually I could read him like the back of my hand.

"Ill be fine once we get in." I smiled but he was avoiding eye contact. I swear he had no in between lately. He was either looking at me like he was about to jump me or looking the complete other direction. I didn't know what to expect from him anymore.
He opened the door for me and I stepped in. This should be interesting.


We have reached 7k reads and 285 votes I am so happy thankyou so much guys!
Going to try to keep updating every other day and see if I can keep that consistent :) xxx

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