28. Jealousy's a bitch

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We all decided that after the mess that went on the night prior we definitely deserved a night out.

Maddy kept going on about how bad she felt for Maria and how she just wanted her to come back. She was really ruining my guilt free bubble and I was not liking it. Emma of course was ecstatic to hear all the dirty details but I made her promise to keep in on the down low for now at least. I knew that bubble would pop if everyone knew what we did directly after... and kept doing.

The girls and I got ready making sure we looked at felt hot as fuck before making our way down stairs to meet the boys who were waiting for us with shots in hand. They were good boys.
Carls eyes widened as he looked at me and then he flashed a cheeky grin and I couldn't help the blush from appearing on my cheeks. Tonight we'd be with everyone. We were gonna have to keep it under reigns. Or try to at least.

When we arrived it was looking pretty good. We headed straight to the bar to order drinks.

"To getting fucked up," Tyler toasted and we all threw back the shot. To getting fucked up.

Emma, Maddy, and I decided we needed a good dance but the boys stayed back in the booth drinking and just generally talking shit.

"Carls been watching you like a hawk all night," Emma whispered to me on the busy dance floor as we danced. I looked up and sure enough his eyes were locked on me. His expression was hard but when he caught my eyes he winked and smirked.

"It's so different now," I admitted. Definitely a difference I was enjoying.

"Yeah yous are a bunch of horny teenagers!" Emma giggled. I quickly looked towards Maddy but she was lost in the music.

"Do you think the others know?"

"Know what?

"That something's going on?" How could they not tell.

"Hunny something's been going on for years!" I guess she had a point.

A few drinks later...maybe a little more than a few. The boys decided to join us on the dance floor. Carl sauntered right over to me and wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled my back to his front and began moving out bodies together. I maybe should have been worried about what the others were seeing but I was too far under the influence of alcohol and his touch. I was long gone.

"I've been watching you dance," he whispered into my neck causing me to feel all kinds of ways.

"A creepy Gallagher?" I laughed and he rolled his eyes. "What about watching me dance?" I decided to humour him. He simply pressed his crotch against my bum to show me exactly what about my dancing.

"I dunno you're just a good dancer," he shrugged nonchalantly as if he hadn't just showed me his major wood.

"Not so bad yourself," I laughed grinding further into him to the music purposely to taunt him.

"If you keep doing that I won't wait until we get home," he warmed sternly and my stomach began doing flips.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I taunted further turning around to meet his intense eye contact and freezing in place.

"Unless you wanna be fucked in the bathroom...don't find out!" He said and placed a chaste kiss on my head before heading back to the bar with Jack. I was stood in shock. He was gonna kill me.

The girls and I were killing it on the dance floor, or at least our drunk selves thought we were. But eventually we decided a break and a drink was needed. We headed to the bar and I ordered my favourite vodka orange when I saw something that completely ruined my mood. Okay so I was definitely over reacting and it wasn't a big deal but my drunk self was pissed off.
Carl was leaning against the bar talking to some leggy blonde. He was looking like his usual casual self but she was literally gushing for him. She had her chest pushed out her hand on his arm her sex eyes on. It really irritated me. When he saw us he gave us a quick smile but continued his conversation. A fucking smile. That was all I got now his attention was diverted. I knew I had no right to be angry because he was actually only talking to her and we weren't anything but I sure as hell was. We joined the boys at the booth but I still had perfect view of him and her. I was getting angrier by the second. He'd been all over me all night and now some skanky hoe wants his attention all I get is a smile. I don't fucking think so.

"Going to dance!" I announced before throwing the rest of my drink back and strutting towards the dance floor before anyone stopped me.

I don't even know how much longer later but I ended up dancing away in my own little world and some guy came up behind me and started to grind with me. I should have stopped him because I wasn't interested but I pictured Carl with that chick at the bar and thought fuck it. I could have just as much fun. It was petty I know but technically I wasn't doing anything wrong. I was just doing it for the wrong reasons.
I was in my own little world dancing away giving this guy an unintentional good time when of course Carl interrupted.

"I suggest if you know what's good for you, you get the fuck off her!" He warned as he stood in front of me. I was a little surprised at how mad he was. Maybe I definitely went too far.

"She can make her own decisions," the guy barked back placing his hands on my waist. I felt a little sick but I wasn't going to let Carl tell me what I can and can't do. My ego is a bitch when she's drunk.

"Carl it's fine," I tried to defuse his anger but he was completely ignoring me.

"She's drunk and quite frankly too good for you!" Carl spat back taking a hold of my hand almost protectively.

"She didn't seem to mind me too much when she was grinding on my dick..." he didn't even get to finish before Carl punched him square in the face. I got moved out the way really quickly before full on punches were being thrown all over the place. This guy got a good few hits on Carl before Carl got him onto the floor and was just senselessly bashing him in. I was so scared more so for what was going to Carl I was yelling for them to stop but no one was listening. Eventually Jack came running over and yanked Carl back from this guy before security could intervene. We locked eye contact and his aggressive expression softened instantly when he saw my scared one. His face was covered in cuts and bruises with blood everywhere. The guy was groaning on the floor as his mates pulled him up and he guys dragged Carl out before it got even worse. What the fuck had I just done.


Thoughts thoughts thoughts lovers xxxxx

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