Doctors appointment

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Keisha's POV

Hey you guys how are y'all doing I know y'all are thinking 'well what the hell happened to Keisha' well I'm pregnant and a lot has been happening these past 7months ive lost most of my friends I gained more friends I've been called a whore on national TV.I've opened a new dance studio in Atlanta Georgia. Me and Melo been working on our relationship between us me and his daughters are super close there so cute June and July there to cute.
Me and Melo's not together but were working on it I'm still in love with Chris even though all he's put me through I can't help but to love that's like if loving him is wrong I don't want to be right.I'm pregnant with no father I always told myself that my children would have a father because I never had one ,my dad skipped out on my mom when she was only 1 month pregnant as soon as she told him, he moved far off with some skank and I don't want the for my child.
But August's has been helping me through this whole thing he's like a boyfriend but I would never he likes me but I can't it wouldn't be fare because I'll always be attracted to His Enemy.Don't get me wrong August is very attractive but nah I couldn't and I just wouldn't.
But the only real friend I have is Seari (Ciara like the singer just spelled different Ce-Air-A)
She stayed with me through this whole process even my own cousin Jazzy disowned me she said she was pregnant for Chris but lost the baby but everyone knows that baby was for Quan.
But other than she wanted me to go to a club performance to watch Chris perform but I can't my stomach gotten to big.
So she has to go by herself because I'm done chasing after someone I can't have he doesn't want me and I'm done chasing him.obviously he doesn't care because he calls me a hoe a Whore a slut and a mistake and honestly I just want to kill myself but I'm keeping it together for my baby I haven't been abled to enjoy being pregnant but from now on I am I'm going to focus on my baby just doing my own thing.

Ding Dong!?

Oh shit how could I forget August ,melo and Sirea is supposed to be coming over today to go to my doctors appointment there like the babies father they've been here through it all.

"Well hello took you five years"Seira said sarcastically

"Well I'm not 7 almost 8 months pregnant"I laughed hugging her she's tall asf compared to me and I hate that I'm so short and it seems like I'm even shorter now that I'm pregnant.
My feet are swollen my breast hurt don't even get me started on my back and cramps.

"Don't pay attention to her she's mad because her ass didn't get nothing to drink on this hot ass day"August said pushing Seira inside
"Hello beautiful"he smiled kissing my cheek

"Hello August how are you"I smiled.

"No this is not about me its about you how are you"he smiled moving my hair out of my face.

"Well the nurse said she's giving me pain meds so I can stop feeling all of this pain I can't put any clothing on or my back will start hurting the only thing I can wear is sundresses and robes so how do you think I'm doing?"I laughed at my sarcasm.

"Hey Keke"Melo said kissing the top if my head and yes my nickname is keke.

"Hey Melo"I said looking up at him smiling.
Lord he's so handsome I can't help but to blush every time I look at him I know he's tired on waiting on me I got August,Melo but all I want is Chris I'm so confused I wish God can pick the perfect man for me and just make the rest of them go away but it'll be fine I'll get through this no we'll get through this me and my baby.

"Ready to see this little football kicker"Melo said making everyone laugh.

I haven't told anyone the gender of the baby yet because I don't even know and I want it to stay like that the baby shower is right around the corner and Seira is going to be the Godmother so I'm giving her the baby gender results and she'll tell everyone at the baby shower.

"No its not no football kicker its a ballerina"Seira said making me laugh but honestly I could care less what the gender is it doesn't matter to me.

"Or it could be 2 a football kicker and a ballerina"August said along e finally speak up.

"Its definitely not it can't be because I would be way much bigger and on bed rest by now I have 5 more weeks until I give birth"I told him.

"I was just playing ma ain't no reason to get so serious"he laughed
I didn't mean to be so serious but not ready for two babies I wouldn't be able to function.....

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