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Tamaki locked the door. The cocaine was hidden under a blanket. Kaoru wouldn't be able to get to it now. Unless he was really desperate for a hit. They'd been taking more than their ration lately, and weaning someone off doesn't work if they keep taking even more.

He ticked off his mental checklist. Kaoru's cocaine hidden - check. Depression meds regulated, making sure Kyoya actually took them, without overdosing - check (Him asleep on the couch was evident of this), Checked that Hikaru actually ate (something other than alcohol), tying him to a pole (done every night) so he digests it - check, released from pole after a few hours, while being watched by his brother - check, keep Haruhi away from too many people (explosive anger issues and aggression) - they've all left already,  make Honey take his hallucination meds - check. That leaves hiding Haruhi's meth, checking up on Kyoya's Panic disorder, and trying to get Mori to talk.

They had quite a list between them. Abuse and depression affected all of them, with Mori, Kyoya, Haruhi and Hikaru all cut. Kyoya cut the most. He seemed to be addicted to it. Nothing he could say or do would make him stop.

He and Mori didn't have any disorders aside Depression. Lucky them. Keeping up was difficult. This family was the only real family any of them had.


He ran into music room 3 of the abandoned Ouran Highschool. It used to be grand, but now it sheltered sick teens during the days school was off or unbearable.

Honey was screaming.

"Honey, calm down, it isn't real! It's only us! Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru and Kyoya!"


He was seeing his mother. Tamaki grabbed the wildly flailing arms, stopping Honey from hurting himself. Kaoru left his sleeping brother to help him. Together, they calmed him enough for him to stop thrashing.

As it was the middle of the night, and them being here was technically illegal, they had gagged Honey to stop his screaming. Once he was calm, they let him go. He was asleep.

He rushed to hide the meth before Haruhi got there. She always arrived somewhere after 6 in the morning, but sometimes she was early. To escape her bullies.

The screaming had woken Kyoya. He groggily stumbled into the centre of the room. He checked his watch.

"It's midnight! Why didn't you wake me! you know all the gangs get out round this time! I need to get back, and I can't!"

"Take the back alley, to the sewer."

"If I get home smelling bad I'm done for."

"I'm sorry, I was preoccupied."

Honey had been put on one of the 2 king-sized mattresses they'd managed to salvage from the building, alongside piles of rotting blankets. His continuous snores caused little rustles in the fabric. Kyoya sighed.

"I'll text Mori to pick him up on the way to school."

"I'll walk you home. The twins can look after Honey until Mori gets here."

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