Chapter 2: Baby Steps

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Sakura's POV
I woke up from my peaceful sleep to hear our alarm going off in the kitchen. I looked down and saw Jinji still asleep on my legs. I shook her gently, "Wake up. It's time to get ready for practice and the photo shoot is today." She groaned and got up. Lin had already turned off the alarm and was cooking breakfast. "Get ready guys! Oh! Also pack your makeup bag in your backpacks since the shoot is today.", Moonbuyl said as she emerged from our room.

I ran into our room and put on my workout clothes.

A/N You can choose the combo of the outfit

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

A/N You can choose the combo of the outfit.

"Dongsaengs!! Breakfast is ready!!!", Lin called. "Okay!", we called back. I ran to the table and ate my food. "Hey, I'm going to go down to the practice room so I can get started.", I said. "Okay just be careful.", Moonbuyl said. I opened the door and closed it. Then I proceeded to the elevator. "Hey. Why are you out this early?" I turned and saw Namjoon  behind me. "I wanted to start practicing early." He nodded, "That's good especially when you debut." I smiled,"Thanks!"

I heard a ding signaling that the elevator was here. "Let me guess floor 3.", he said. "Yep!", I replied. He pressed the button and the door closed. I sucked in my breath. Namjoon looked at me, "Are you okay?" I nodded,"I'm not really comfortable in tight spaces." "Ah sorry. Why don't you take the stairs?"

"My manager says I need to conserve my energy.", I said. 'Strange my weird feeling in my stomach is going away. Does he have anything thing to do with it?' "That's a stupid reason. Sorry for saying so but it's my opinion.", he said. "Ah no it's okay." The elevator doors opened I stepped out and he followed. I turned to go to the practice room but I felt a hand grab my wrist. I whirled around and breathed a sigh of relief. It was only Namjoon. "Yes?", I said shyly. " you think you can help me with another song please?", he asked. I hesitated about this, 'What if I get in trouble. What if I get kicked out of the company. No!! Shut up brain!!'

I grinned, "Yeah I can help you out." He smiled, grabbed my hand, and dragged me to the practice room. We warmed up to a few songs. "So Namjoon want do you want to work on?", I asked

"Save Me" I got the music ready and we started to work on the song. About halfway through the song my phone rang. I looked at the screen and saw it was Lin calling me. 'Shit I'm in trouble', I thought.

I smiled apologetically to Namjoon, "I have to take this, sorry." He nodded and sat on the floor catching his breath.
(A/n: Lin's response will look like this)

"Where the fuck are you?"
"BTS's practice room"
"Why are you there? You have to be with us."
"Namjoon needed help with a song so I agreed to help him."
"You know we have no time for this!!"
"Look I'm sorry okay, I'll be there in a few minutes"
"Good. See you soon."
~End of call~

Namjoon had a guilty look on his face. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you to pra-", he was cut off by my hand on his mouth.
"It's fine Lin is just overreacting. She's nervous about debuting. Anyways I have to go. I'll see you around."

Trainee Days///BTS Fanfic Kim Namjoon x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin