Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey! As you've heard I'm back. This is the first chapter of my calzona fanfiction. Enjoy! Don't forget to like and comment!

"Hey, Sofia is coming back with me to Seattle tomorrow. Is it okay if I leave her with you tomorrow night?" Arizona who was still dazed from her nap in an on call room felt shocked. She wasn't supposed to have Sofia until 3 weeks. The tired surgeon rubbed her eyes and started to get up.

"Yeah, but Callie, what happened? This is really sud-" Before she could finish, the line cut off. Arizona eyed the phone trying to see if it was something she accidentally pressed. "Weird", letting it go, she opened the door. It was time to get back to work, this made a sigh escape her lips.


"Meredith?" It took everything Callie had to not break down while on the phone with Arizona. She just needed to make sure she could get out of this God awful city. More booze passed her lips as she waited for her friend to tame her children on the other end of the line.

"Yeah, hey Callie. Is everything ok? Its pretty late over there." Meredith was used to night calls but not at this time from Callie. Once she got Zola to bed along with her other sleeping boys, she gave Callie her full attention. She could've sworn she heard a sniffle. A humorless laugh followed it.

"I shouldn't be calling, I know. I just needed to call someone. I don't know what to do. Now that its gone, its like the reality is crushing in and I called Arizona because I need to get out. I need to leave Meredith." Meredith was only confused. Her friend wasn't making sense and she was talking frantically.

"Callie, slow down. Tell me what happened." The ortho surgeon took a deep breath and tried to form a sensible sentence to explain her dilemma to her friend."

"Penny dumped me. She left a note a while ago and all her stuff was gone." Meredith began to frown. She knew how hard her friend worked for that relationship. They had lasted long too, it had been three years since Callie had left. "What the hell did I do Mer? I don't even like New York. I just came for Penny and now shes gone." Callie's voice began to crack. "She left me."

"What did the note say?" Callie laughed again. She had held the white square in her hand for hours reading it over and over again. She thought that if she kept reading it, she'd get what was missing.

"Dear Callie. I know you loved me but you were never in love with me. We both deserve better. I'm sorry." None of it made sense to her. Sure her and Penny had a rocky year when Sofia left but now Sofia was back and Callie thought they were doing better. Meredith almost had as many questions as Callie. She wanted to ask Callie what happened over the past few months but she knew they needed to talk in person. "The hospital is calling. I also got the next flight out tomorrow. Sofia is staying with Arizona. Can I stay with you and the kids?"

"You know you can, Callie. We can talk all about it tomorrow just hang in there ok?" Callie hung up the phone before agreeing to something she couldn't do. Her thoughts were going a mile a minute. She couldn't work to distract her because she was drunk and talking wasnt exactly on her mind anymore. She just needed to drown her sorrows with the end of a bottle.

"I'm sorry, I can't come in Sheryll."


Arizona walked to her front door at the sound of her doorbell. She expected it to be Callie seeing as she said she would come tonight. She peeped out and her suspicions were confirmed. She opened the door and noticed that the friendly smile Callie usually had when she dropped off Sofia wasn't there.

"Hey sweetie!" A tired Sofia hugged her other mother's leg. Arizona couldn't help but smile as she felt her child's embraced.

"I missed you mommy!"

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