Chapter 2

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"God", Arizona finished. Both had just woken up to a bright sun and very sore limbs. Everything felt tight but they felt relaxed. It didn't feel like how it felt with girls from a bar. It was exhilerating. "I can't believe we did that." After the ecstasy of the situation set in, so did the reality.

"What? Do you regret it?", Callie tried to sound nonchalant but she herself didn't think it was bad enough to regret. It was fun and carefree. There wasnt hatred or the intimacy of a relationship. It was just carefree.

Arizona's face changed to one of worry in that second. She didn't want Callie to think she thought it was bad. It was far from bad. "No! No no no no no. It was good. Really good. Its just..." Callie waited for her ex wife to continue. "I've done one night stands but never friends or...ex wives with benefits. I just need to know if this was a one time thing or like...are you expecting more?" The question bounced around in Callie's head. They made the decision rashly so now it was time for the actual decision making. Did she want to sleep with Arizona again?

"I think um. Well it was uh nice. Not nice, I mean amazing. Its just we're...we have responsibilities and I think for now this should just be a one time thing."

"I completely agree. I mean we-" Before Arizona could finish, their pagers went off. Both retreated from the bed with groans of frustration.

▪ ▪ ▪

Arizona had been convincing herself that this was a good thing. Her and Callie had sex and were acting like mature adults. They had a night of fun and were now restraining themselves. They weren't going to be like all the split up couples in the hospital who couldn't keep it in their pants.

Everything was running smoothly throughout the day. Arizona had light consults and was charting at the moment. It was all fine until she saw Callie's name on the board for a surgery. Arizona remembered it was her first one since she came back so the peds surgeon decided to check it out.

The gallery was packed. Of course it is. She's the best. Why wouldn't they want to see her? Arizona watched with a smile and examined the chief ortho attending who took Callie's spot when she left, Dr. Drew. Callie seemed to be getting irritated from the comments he made every few seconds. For a bit, the patient's stats began dropping and Callie was acting fast. Drew wasnt helping seeing as he kept barking orders at her.

"What a dick", Arizona whispered. Finally, when the patient's stats rose, Arizona saw the look on Callie's face. The blonde couldn't help but feel attracted to her.

"Dr. Drew I think it'd be wise if you left the OR. The Jeffersons asked for me because I can give them the best but I can't give them thr best if you are hovering like a guard dog."

"But shes my-"

"I'm going to begin closing in a few seconds and you'll be getting the hell out of my operating room." The male doctor sucked his teeth and went through the exit. In a matter of minutes, Callie left to scrub out.

Arizona ran to the halls waiting outside for the brilliant ortho surgeon and when she came, Arizona pulled her into an on call room. "Arizona, what's-" Callie was cut off quickly with a rough kiss that made her back press against the wall.

"You were super hot in there, all head boss." Arizona slid her tongue in as she felt Callie begin to respond. Her hands found the brunette's and she led them down her own body. "Mmm, touch my ass." Callie felt her arousal start to grow. She knew they said not again but Callie found herself liking this turned on Arizona. She followed her orders and carressed the firm surface envoking a low growl from her ex wife.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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