Meeting 5SOS

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Calum thought it was time for me to meet the rest of the band. Honestly, I was nervous. My friends and I had loved them for years, and now I got to meet them. Selena and Brooklyn are going to kill me when I tell them I met 5 Seconds of Summer.

I followed Calum to the Gryffindor table. One boy flung a spoonful of butter at the other boy.

"Um, boys. This is Rose." They both looked at me. The one that flung the spoonful of butter looked at me.

"Hi, I'm Ashton!" I put my hand out to shake, but he engulfed me in a bear hug. Selena was going to kill me.

He let go, and I could tell I was blushing. "Uh, hi, I'm Rose."

"Yeah, Calum's been talking about you a lot." I looked over at Calum, and he was blushing like crazy. It was totally adorable.

"And I'm Luke." He also gave me a hug, but it wasn't as crushing as Ashton's.

"Guys, forgive me. I need to fangirl. I'm a huge fan of your music, and my friends back home love you guys too."

"You are forgiven. Sometimes you just have to let it go." Oh my god Ashton.

"Hey, where's Michael?" Calum was looking around and spotted Michael at the Slytherin table. He motioned for Michael to come over, so he got up and ran towards us.

"Hello, I'm Michael. Don't worry, I'm a nice Slytherin." He gave me a hug and the boys rolled their eyes.

"Nice is an exaggeration." Calum and Ashton chuckled but Luke's face stayed perfectly serious while saying this. Until he started laughing.

"I'm Rose."

Michael's face lit up. "Oh, so you're the famous Rose Hewitt."

I looked at Calum again. Did he tell all of them about me?

"Hey, I got to get to class. Potions quiz. Nice meeting you Rose. See you guys later!" Luke gave me a hug and left.

"Yeah, I got to go too. Bye Rose!" Ashton gave me another big hug and left too.

"We should all probably go now too. We don't want to be late to Herbology do we Michael? Sorry Rose. We got to go. See you later?"

"Yeah Calum. See you later."

They walked out of the Great Hall, but I noticed Luna was still sitting at the Ravenclaw table and she was talking with Ginny. I walked over to them and sat down.

"Hey Luna. Oh, hi Ginny. I'm Rose."

"Yeah, I know who you are. I saw you talking with the 5 Seconds of Summer blokes."

Suddenly she gasped. "No way!"

Luna and I looked at her. "What? I didn't even say anything." I must have been blushing again.

"Don't be daft Rose. I can tell you like one of them. Is it Luke?" I shook my head.

"Hm, what about Ashton?" I paused and then shook my head no again.

"That leaves... Oh my gosh! Is it Calum?"

I must have blushed because she started laughing. "It is isn't it! That's great! You guys would be the cutest couple."

"I don't know Ginny. It's kind of awkward. I loved their music for years, and now I'm friends with them. I'm just worried I am going to ruin our friendship."

She nodded as if she understood. "So, what about you Ginny? Any one special?" Obviously I already knew, but she didn't need to know that.

"Um, nope. There's no one." She was blushing. I got it. She didn't trust me yet. It's okay though. Hopefully we'll be friends soon.


I think I'm going to start a 5SOS fanfic soon. Yay or nay? Stay weird ;)

~ Chelsea

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