Namjoon - lazy day

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"Joonie wake up, you're going to be late for work" you encourage your boyfriend to wake up from his deep sleep while he's still pried to you body from cuddling all night.

You keep trying to get him up but he's not budging. Until you peck his forehead.

"Cmon Y/N just 5 more minutes." Namjoon says as he holds onto your waist tighter.

"This isn't funny man. I don't wanna be the cause of you getting fired. You've been late all week!"

You've been enjoying extra time with Namjoon but you didn't want him to be late because of you. His manager was also pretty angry with him already since bts and him are working on a special project.

"Here, I'll call manager-nim and tell him I'll be home sick and won't be coming to work today."

"Joonie! You can't fake being sick!"

"Why not, am I not allowed to spend time with my princess anymore?"

"Of course you can spend time with me bu-" I was cut off by Namjoon cuddling in closer to you not wanting to let go.

You were in awe because of how cute he had gotten in a matter of seconds but you still weren't having it. You released your arm from his embrace and pushed him off the bed.

"Y/N what the hell?!"

"That's what you get for being late for work."

He stood up quickly and went into the bathroom without a word with a sad but angry expression on his face.

You felt guilty but it was for his own good. He had to get to work and you were determined to get him there.

"Joanie! Are you getting ready for work?!"

No answer. You stood up from the bed and went up and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Joonie?! I'm sorry for pushing you like that. It was just for your own good, I don't want you
To get fired." You slowly opened the door just to see Namjoon take the door and shoot it open going into your embrace in seconds.

Without saying anything he pushes you on top of the bed and lays flat on top of you. You were in shock but you grabbed his head and started petting his soft but bed headed hair.

"Let me spend a little more time with my princess before I have to go to work okay?" He said while his head in your neck feeling his smile on you.

"Okay, fine. But promise me this is going to be the last time you go to work late!"

"I promise." He lifts his head up inches above yours and plants a slow kiss on your lips. You kiss him back right away as you flip him over on his back and deepen the kiss. You slowly lift your head placing your head on his chest.

Namjoon picks up his hands one to go around your waist and the other to pet your head. You tightened your self closer to him and rolled off his chest and went on your side.

He followed your movement and pulled you in closer while wrapping his arms around and cupping your cheeks.

He kissed your cheeks and your forehead softly and then dug his head into your neck. You stayed like this for about and hour and wasn't making any sign of leaving that position for awhile.

"I love you Namjoon"

"I love you too Y/N"

You drifted off to sleep while Namjoon stared at you as he puts his hands through your hair and massages your scalp.

"Good night my princess."

You suddenly woke up with a smile excited to
See Namjoon again but with your eyes still closed you feel next to you with no presence.

You were immediately worried and shot up to see a note placed on his pillow completely forgetting that he had to go to work.

The letter read...

"Sorry I wasn't here when you woke up. But as you told me, I went off to work. Don't worry I'll be back at 10:00 and will be ready to cook dinner for you as best I can (I'll try and get Jin to teach me a few things ;) Please wait for me to get back home. I apologize for being late, again. I love you."

You didn't notice but had a wide smile on your face and happy he had apologized for being late. You wished him a good day at work and got up and got dressed until you noticed the time... 9:45.

"OH SHIT! I can't confront Namjoon after coming home and while HE is gonna cook dinner!!"

You ran into your closet and got something comfortable but nice to wear. You got ready until you realized...

"wait... I'm letting Namjoon cook?! WHY DID I EVEN CHANGE?!

A/N hello everyone, this is my first fluff EVER, and I spent quite awhile on it... I hope you enjoyed. :))) more members will be coming soon ヽ(・∀・)

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