Seokjin - walk in the park

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It was early morning and you and your best friend Jin had spent the night at his house and was about to eat breakfast. He was the best cook you've ever met so you were excited to eat.

"Jin! What's on the menu this time!"

"For you, I have prepared you a homemade parfait, French toast with my special ingredient and heart shaped waffles." Jin placed the food in front of you and set the table neatly.

You sat in awe in your seat amazed at how good the food he prepared for you had looked. You've never been more excited to eat breakfast.

"Wow Jin, you're amazing this looks sooo good."

"Thank you Y/N anything for you." He stood there beside you blushing while he signals you to dig in. You saw his signal and you began to lift your fork and begin eating the parfait.

You noticed Jin walking away and thought...

"Hey Jin, aren't you going to eat too?"

"I only made enough for you, I guess I wasn't thinking about myself to eat..."

"Here you can share with me, I don't think I'll be able to finish all this delicious food all by myself."

He put a smile on his face grabbing another fork and then walked over to you sitting next to you. You then began to eat your parfait while Jin cuts and eats some of the French toast.

30 minutes later

"Ah Jin I'm stuffed, that was so good."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." He put on another smile, grabbed your plate and began to wash up. He looked cute washing the dishes and seeing his broad shoulders.

You walk up to him and wrap your arms around Jin's waist.

"We should go to the park."

Jin's head lifted from looking at the sink and put his head toward you while his body is still straight.

"that sounds like a great idea." Jin said as he put a grin on his face.

You let go of him and got ready to leave. Jin finished cleaning and then got ready as well. You both wore simple but cute outfits. You and Jin walked outside in the clear sky on your way to the park.

"It's so beautiful outside today. It's been awhile since I've seen it this nice."

"In fact today is the first day of spring." Jin said while grinning at you.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, the park might be quite full knowing that today is the first day."

You and Jin continue to walk to the park for about half a mile and you finally reach the park.

"Ah, I haven't been here in years. It's so pretty. Especially since all the cherry blossom trees are blooming."

You jump and wrap your arms around Jin's neck to the pretty sight of the park.

"I should bring you here more often then" Jin said with a big smile."

"Yes you should." You say as you return the bright smile.

You and Jin slowly walked through the park which Jin's hands in his pockets and your hands behind your back. Every so often you see couples walk past you or eat a picnic out at the benches.

All the sudden you see a cute couple walk past you holding hands. While you were busy watching the couples hands, Jin takes his Hands out of his pocket and grabs your hand leaving a smirk on his face.

You stand there blushing while slowly intertwining your fingers with Jin's long fingers. You feel the warmth coming from his hand smiling in complete comfort.

"You like this trip Y/N?"

"I love it."

You stop for a few minutes and sit together next to each other on a bench, you look at jin and rest your head on his shoulder while still holding hands.

After a couple seconds Jin let go of your hand and started to lift your chin and face you toward him on the bench while he slowly inches toward you.

You hesitated at first but let him get closer until your lips slowly touched each other's. He put his hand in your hair bring you closer to deepen the kiss.

You enjoyed his plump lips on yours not wanting to let go. Jin broke the kiss, got up, grinned and held your hand. You grabbed Jin's hand not letting go.

You and Jin continued to walk in the park but laying your head on Jin's shoulder and Jin wrapping his arm around you.

"I don't want this day to end."

"Neither do I."

A/N hello :) I enjoyed writing this chapter I thought it was so cute lmao. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Jungkook is up next ;)))

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