part 6

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FM  OK i will 

Finn thanks mum

FM your welcome 

Finn im taking the hot water bottle up to Rachel

FM OK Finn 

Finn Rachel 

Rachel in here 

Finn i got you something 

Rachel what

Finn a hot water bottle so you can get to sleep 

Rachel thanks Finn 

Finn your welcome  my baby girl 

Rachel( blushing ) thanks 

Finn lets get some sleep we got the appointment at 9:30

Rachel oh yeah let get some sleep 

Finn night Rachel 

Rachel night Finn 

next day 

 Finn (awakes ) morning Rachel 

Rachel (awakes) morning Finn 

Finn u OK Rachel 

Rachel im fine 

Finn OK

Rachel what time is  

Finn nearly half 9

Rachel let gets dressed 

Finn OK you look beautiful

Rachel i do not look beautiful 

Finn stop it now 

Rachel OK lets go 

in the car 

Finn we are here

Rachel  come on lets go in 

Finn OK

in the doctors

Rachel  can you go to the reception to sign us in plz 

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