part 11

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Rachel your welcome i love you too

Finn i need you now (crying)

Rachel shush do you need to go to the hospital 

Finn yes plz can you take one

Rachel OK  just let me get something

Finn OK

Rachel (goes downstairs) carol are you here

Fm yes what 

Rachel can you go before i bring Finn down plz

FM OK i understand he does not want to see me 

Rachel yes because i know he hates  you because of you keeping secrets#

FM i know i will go Finn

Rachel thanks (goes upstairs)

Finn Rachel  i am ready 

Rachel lets go  

Finn are we there yet

Rachel yes wait here and let me help you out

Finn OK

Rachel ( goes round to Finn side of the car and open the door)

Finn Rachel

Rachel yeah ( picks Finn up)

Finn can you go and get a wheelchair

Rachel OK  (goes to get a wheelchair) (puts Finn down first )

Finn Rachel have you got the wheelchair

Rachel yes i have

Finn can you help me in it

Rachel OK

Finn thanks Rachel for coming with me

Rachel your welcome

Finn can you help me on the bed

Rachel OK i love you 

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