Because I Love You (Napoleon x Reader)

148 1 3

Made: 5-15-17
Published: 6-3-17

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful and majestic day! If not, I hope you are now! :3

So this is my first story for this book! I'd appreciate it if you'd leave some suggestions on how I can improve it. :3

I hope you like it! :3


(Y/N)'s POV

I looked around as I ran by. Please let him be alive. I kept looking around hoping to find the person I was looking for, but the only thing to see was dust and debris everywhere. No sign of the person I was looking for. Oh! Where are you Napoleon? I stopped and looked around once again before cupping my hands around my mouth. "Napoleon! Napoleon, where are you?", I yelled out in worry. I waited for a response, but the only thing I could hear were the people and clones screaming for help and in pain. I closed my eyes and bit my lip slightly, as I felt tears slipping down my cheeks. Why did this have to happen? We were all having such a wonderful and fun time. I don't understand. At that moment a giant piece of the building came crashing to the ground near me. A giant gust of dust that came as soon as the debris made contact to the ground knocked me to the ground. I closed my eyes and held my hand to block out as much of the dust as I could. When the dust settled down a bit, I opened my eyes only to see debris flying towards me. I got up quickly as I barely managed to dodge a giant piece of debris that would of killed me if I had been a second too late. My eyes widened as I barely managed to dodge the rest of the debris that came flying towards me. Just when I thought I had managed to dodge all of them, a large piece of debris managed to hit my side. I let out a scream of pain. I knelt down and held my side. I quickly look at it to see the damage only to see that I was bleeding quite a bit. I stared at it with wide eyes as I began to shake in fear and terror. Are...Are we going to all die? All murdered by people who hate us? By the people who murdered Kennedy? I closed my eyes and took a deep breath., we're not. I must keep it together. I have to find Napoleon. No more crying. I opened my eyes before ripping off a piece of my shirt and tying it around my wound to help stop the bleeding a bit. As soon as that was done, I got up and began to run once again. Even though it hurt to run, I kept on running. I had to find Napoleon. "Napoleon, where are you?", I yelled out as I ran. I got no answer once again. I let out a growl of annoyance and pain. Why did you have to run off like that in the first place? Couldn't you just have stayed by my side like I told you? I let out a quiet, bitter laugh as I thought of the reason why. Of course not. Especially when your precious Joan is out there somewhere. Just then, I heard a yell of pain. My eyes widened as I recognized the voice. N-Napoleon!? I quickly ran to where I heard his voice. Please let him be alright. As soon as I found him, I began running towards him, but as I did, I saw what had caused him to scream out in pain. He had a giant wound on his thigh. This caused me to run even faster. "Napoleon!", I yelled out. He looked up at me in surprise.

"(Y/N)?", Napoleon said. As soon as I ran up all those stairs and got to him, I quickly got down to my knee and took off my shirt, leaving me in only my (F/C) bra, and tying it around Napoleon's wound to stop the bleeding. "W-What are you doing here?", he stuttered out. I looked at him to see him blushing. I opened my mouth to answer only to be interrupted by a chuckle. A familiar chuckle.

"I see your girlfriend has decided to show up and almost strip for you.", the voice said. I couldn't help, but blush as I heard that. "It's been a while since I've last seen her. She's as beautiful as I remember her to be.", he said. I felt a chill go up my spine. I slowly turned around only to be met with something shocking. There stood another man who looked just like Napoleon. Another clone of Napoleon. The man smirked. "You look shocked, (Y/N). Did you forget that there's clones before you guys?", he asked. I snapped out of my shocked state and glared at him.

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