Candy Sweet Kiss (Einstein x Reader)

118 1 3

Made: 6-1-17
Published: 6-3-17

(Y/N) = Your Name
(F/C) = Favorite Candy

(Y/N)'s POV

It was a beautiful and sunny day at St. Kleio Academy as I walked down the hallway to get to lunch. In my hand was a giant bag of (F/C), which I had daily because I just loved sweets and couldn't get enough of them. As I was making my way down, I heard my name being called.

"(Y/N)! Wait up!", said a familiar voice I have come to love. I turned around and smiled.

"Oh! Hey, Einstein. How are you doing?", I asked as I plopped a piece of (F/C) in my mouth. Once he was right next to me, we began making our way to the cafeteria.

"I've been good.", Einstein said cheerfully. "How about you?"

"I've been good as well.", I said as I plopped another piece of (F/C) in my mouth. "So what are you doing during lunch?"

"Nothing much. Just going to eat my lunch and probably study.", he said. I smiled.

"Would you like to join Shiro, the gang, and I during lunch? I bet they wouldn't mind.", I asked as I plopped yet another piece of (F/C) in my mouth. When I didn't get a response, I glanced over at Einstein only to see him staring at me. I felt my face heat up a bit from his stare. I mean who wouldn't blush if their crush was staring at them? "Is something wrong? Do I have something on my face?", I asked as I began rubbing at my face to see if I could get off whatever I had on my face. How embarrassing! Einstein shook his head.

"No, you don't have anything on your face.", he said with a chuckle. "It's just that I couldn't help, but notice that you eat a bag or two of (F/C) every day."

"I do. Is there something wrong about that?", I asked as I tilted my head in confusion. Einstein let out a sigh.

"Well, it's not good to eat that much candy. Especially before eating lunch.", he said. I pouted.

"But I was hungry for (F/C).", I said. "Plus, I have to have my daily sweets."

"You can eat them later. First eat a decent meal then sweets.", he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine.", I said. I saw him smile before looking forward. I glanced at my bag of (F/C) and smirked. One piece of (F/C) couldn't hurt. I then glanced at Einstein. Plus, he isn't looking. As I was about to grab another piece, without turning to look at me, Einstein spoke.

"Don't you dare grab another one, (Y/N).", he said. I let out a groan and obeyed. I can't trick the genius, now can I? I let out a sigh as I stared at my bag of (F/C), in longing. Don't worry, love. I'll eat you soon. After a bit, we finally made it to the cafeteria. Einstein and I made our way to Shiro's table.

"Hey guys!", I greeted with a wave. Everyone waved back at me.

"Hey (Y/N).", Shiro said with a smile before noticing Einstein. "Oh! Hey Einstein. What are you doing here?", he asked curiously.

"I asked if he'd like to join us. I hope you don't mind.", I said with a smile.

"Of course we don't mind.", Nightingale said cheerfully. I smiled before pulling out a chair and sitting down.

"What are you doing, (Y/N)?", Einstein asked in confusion.

"What does it seem like I'm doing?", I said before pulling out my bag of (F/C) out. "I'm eating lunch obviously." After saying that, plopped a piece of (F/C) in my mouth.

"But you said you'd eat an actual meal.", he said.

"This IS my actual meal.", I said as I ate another piece of (F/C). Einstein let out a groan.

"I mean actual food not sweets.", he said. "Do you eat anything besides sweets?", he asked. I shook my head.

"Nope!", I said popping the P. Einstein let out a sigh as everyone at the table let out a laugh.

"That's (Y/N) for you! Eating nothing, but sweets!", Nightingale giggled out.

"We've tried convincing her to eat something besides sweets, but she doesn't listen.", Napoleon said with a chuckle. "She's so stubborn."

"Maybe I can try to convince her.", Einstein said with a smile, but something in his eyes held something that I couldn't put my finger on.

"Good luck to you then because I'm not going to stop eating sweets.", I said stubbornly.

"We'll see.", he said before leaning in to my face. I felt my face warm up. His face was so close to mine that I could feel his breath on my lips. H-He's so close! I felt my whole face go on fire. "What's the matter, (Y/N)? Cat got your tongue?", he teased.

"I-I...", I stuttered out. I couldn't say anything. How could I with him being so close to me like this.

"Cute.", he said before breaking the little space between our lips and kissing me. My eyes widen. kissing me! After coming back to my senses, I closed my eyes and kissed back. It was a passionate yet gentle kiss. It felt like the two final puzzle pieces fitting each other to make the picture. It felt perfect. After a bit, we finally separated from each other. I panted a bit, trying to regain my breath. I heard some chuckles and giggles. I turned my head to see Shiro and the gang laughing and smiling. I felt my face warm up before I buried my face into Einstein's chest. I heard him chuckle. "Embarrassed?", he said.

"Yes. They saw us kiss.", I mumbled out.

"Look at me, (Y/N).", said Einstein. I shook my head. I then felt something grab my chin gently before making me look up. Einstein smiled.

"You shouldn't feel embarrassed, love.", he said. "I don't feel embarrassed because I'm showing everyone who I love with all my heart." I couldn't help, but smile as I heard this.

"I love you too with all my heart.", I said. He smiled before he smirked and leaned into my ear.

"You know, I could fuck you right here right now and still not feel embarrassed because I'm with you.", he whispered seductively. "Wanna give it a try?", he asked. I felt my face go warm. Freud, who was sitting right to me, smirked as he got all excited.

"Please do. This could help with my current sex theory I'm working on.", Freud said excitedly before getting hit by Elizabeth.

"P-Pervert!", she yelled with a giant blush on her face. I was about to hide my face again when I felt a pair of lips on mine. Before I had time to react, they were gone.

"I can't seem to get enough of your candy sweet kisses. So how about we continue this later privately.", He said before adding, "Only after you eat a decent meal.", he said. As soon as he said that, I got up and headed to the lunch line. I couldn't help, but smile as I waited in line. If this is what I get each time I eat a decent meal, I'm definitely going to keep doing this.

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