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   After the 'incident' with the changlings, Princess Twilight Sparkle, her friends, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and her pet talking dragon, Spike, went back to Ponyville without Starlight Glimmer. Starlight thought it would be best if she stayed with her old village after the festival. She thanked Twilight for her lessons and helping her believe she could become a leader again.

"Starlight, there is no need to thank me, it was all your doing." Twilight said, Starlight shook her head, "No, Twilight, you made me believe in myself, and you took it upon yourself to help me after the horrible things I did to you and your friends. It was because of you that I am happy and that I was able to save you." Twilight nodded and they said their goodbyes, "See ya later Starlight!" Trixie yelled, waving back at her friend, Starlight waved back, "I'll come to your one of your shows soon!"

None of the ponies realized it, but their cutie marks were flashing. "Uhhh, Twilight," Spike whispered to his friend, "Yes, Spike?" Twilight asked, and Spike pointed to Fluttershy's cutie mark. "Uh, Everypony, our cutie marks are flashing." She informed everyone, they all looked around at other ponies flanks to see their cutie marks flashing, too. "Already?! We just got saved from the Changlings!" Rarity groaned, Applejack shot her a dirty look, "Sorry," she whispered looking down at her hooves. "Well, we must get to the map everypony, let's go!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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