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Mallory looked around as the crew began preparations on the set, taking it all in. This would be her first day here on set of The Avengers, so she couldn't mess up. Being the lead makeup artist, Mallory couldn't let them down. But God knows she worked so hard to be where she is today, and she was ready.

She took the brushes carefully out of her makeup bag (more like and oversized suitcase,) and placed them in her yellow apron pockets. She had been given a large space to work with, but it didn't seem like it was enough. All of her pallets contains various shades of eyeshadow and other essential needs were scattered across the large countertop. The fake dirt and blood sat neatly on the shelves ready to be used. She sighed and pulled her dark brown hair back into a French braid and looked in the mirror.

She had to cover the bags under her eyes with foundation, since she couldn't get any sleep last night. She was so nervous about today, being her first and all... Her blue eyes, on the other hand, looked big and beautiful like she likes them. The key to this, she found out in one of the magazines she kept over the years in a shoebox, is to apply not black, but white eyeliner to your bottom lash line, which makes your eyes seem bigger. She put on barely any blush today, but her peachy tango lips made up for that. Her black short sleeve V-neck shirt tucked loosely into her favorite pair of tan shorts, and she put on a pair of boat shoes to kinda tie it all together. Hopefully it will be enough to satisfy the cast...

The cast came out of there rooms and started filing in for hair and makeup. She could feel her hands begin to tremble with excitement. Scarlett Johansson, who plays the Black Widow, took a seat beside her, in which one of Mallory's assistants took over. Hawk Eye came in next, then Hulk, then Thor and then Iron Man. They all took their seats, and the makeup artist began doing their magic. But something was wrong... Captain America, or Chris Evans, wasn't here. Mallory felt a hollow feeling inside. Her favorite Avenger wouldn't show. She glanced down at the ground and saw her feet, attached to long, thin, white legs. Her dream has somewhat been demolished.

Sighing, Mallory sits in the black chair labeled "Captain America" and stares at the container of fake blood sitting on the shelf. Maybe he got drunk and couldn't come..

Someone taps Mallory's shoulder and clears their throat. Startled, she stands up and whirls around. Chris Evans stands tall in front of her. Her blue eyes stare into his, and she instantly blushes.

"Um, hello, I'm Mal-Mallory. I'll be your makeup artist momentarily." She holds out her trembling hands and he shakes it. His skin is so rough yet genuinely smooth. She looks down instinctively to cover up her possibly red cheeks.

"Hello. I am Chris Evans, your... Client?" He cracks a smile, exposing his beautifully white teeth.

"Oh yes, of course! Um, take a seat," she backs up quickly and he sits down. She instantly grabs a brush and dark brown powder and brushes it on his face. He hardly flinches.

"So, you're the new-be?" He raises a brow and looks at her straight in the eyes.

"Yes! Uh...Sir," she looks away and grabs another dark brown powder off her table, opening it. Her hands are so trembly that she ends up dropping it. Chris leans forward and snatches it before it hits the ground. Swiftly, he sits back up and hands her the circular powder holder. Their hands touch for a slight moment and he feels her trembling.

"I am so sorry, S-"

"Please, call me Chris. And it's not your fault you're fangirling right now." He smirks and she freezes up.

"W-What?" She stares at him with wide embarrassed eyes. "How do you know I'm fangirling?"

"Who's your favorite Avenger?" He raises both brows.


"Haha I knew it!" He smiles and looks up at her.

"What?" She raises her brows and takes a step back.

"Captain America."

"How can you tell?"

"You're wearing Captain America socks under your shoes." He glances down. She does, too, and realizes that he's right. Ever since she was a little girl, he was her favorite Avenger.

"Well..." She says to fill the awkward silence.

"Yeah," he says. She leans over and grabs the blood container and a little white package containing a fake wound. She opens it and carefully sticks the piece to his cheek. He sits still right in front of her. Mallory could slightly feel his breath on her hands, as they work to make the wound look realistic.

"Can I call you Mals? You know, like short for Mallory?" He asks. She blushes and slowly begins to smile.

"Sure." Her voice sounded too enthused and she regretted it the moment it came out of her mouth.

"Good. So, Mals, why Captain America?" She laughed and so did he.

"Um.. dunnno. Always had though. Guess it was the patriotism."

"You have great tastes." He looks at her, studying her face.

"Do I now?" She chuckles."Who's yours?"

"Honestly the same, but that would sound conceited so I'll say Iron Man." He winks and she straightens up, putting down the container and tossing away the package. "Am I done?" He asks. He stands up and stretches.

"Not yet," she states and grabs the water spray bottle. She sprays his face and the dark powder looks more like dirt and sweat. He flinches.

"I hate that," he states. She nods and puts down the bottle, watching him walk backwards in his suit. "Too be continued, Mals." He walks off onto the set and she takes a seat in his chair. She feels a flutter in her stomach.

Black Widow walks by and glances at her smiling. "Someone's flirty."

"Who? Me?" Her gaze widens. She shakes her head and gestures to Chris.

"Really?" Mallory says with a stunned tone.

"Girl please, never has he been so flirtatious like that!" She laughs and walks off, holding her fake guns.

Mallory was speechless. She always thought he was rather attractive, but never would she imagine being here on set, knowing that he might like her, too.

A/N: So maybe Chris likes her.. How will she react when he comes back for more makeup adjustments? Maybe he will ask her out.. Or maybe not. ;)

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