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"What am I supposed to wear?" Mallory eyes Chris as she dabs on some fake blood. All she could think about this morning was about their date they had planned tonight.

"Clothes," he says sarcastically. She felt stupid asking him what to wear on a date...

"No seriously," she pleaded for him to give her a real answer. His eyes softened and she felt like she could drown in them.

"I am not spoiling it for you. Just wear whatever and I'll tell you if it's the right thing or not. Once you'll see me you'll know where we are going." He pointed out and flashed her a smile.

"Okay you're done." She took a step back and admired her work. His dirty face looked so realistic with the dirt and blood and all.

"Great! thanks, Mals," he winked and stood up in his red, white, and blue costume.

"Welcome," she mumbled and began packing up some of her makeup. Today was going to be a short day, since they only wanted to shoot a few scenes. She guessed that made it easier, so she would have more time to get ready. She sat in Chris' chair and watched as they filmed. It looked like fun getting to act. Too bad she hadn't chosen that when she was younger, because she could've been up there acting with the rest of them. But makeup was her thing, and that was never going to change. She was just beginning relax when Scarlett Johansson approached her.

"Hey!" She said and took a seat next to Mallory. Her tight black outfit was coated in dust and dirt. So was her red hair. She took her belt containing the guns off, and laid it by the seat.

"Hey," Mallory replied. She still wasn't entirely used to the fact that famous people were actually acknowledging her presence.

"So you're going on a date with Chris?" She leaned forward and raised a brow. Mallory thought she looked mad for a second, but then Scarlett cracked a grin.

"Well, I hope so." She answered. Scarlett laughed.

"Don't dress too nice. He might take you to a bar." She winked.

"Really?" Mallory's voiced sounded shocked. Scarlett quickly shook her head and continued to smile.

"Just kidding. But seriously-don't dress too nice... He has a tendency to do the complete opposite than what you think he's going to do.Tell me how it goes. I have to go, see you tomorrow," Scarlett got up and walked off. Mallory had to go home too, but something was holding her back. She suddenly began to feel nervous about tonight.

"Wait how do you know his tendencies?" She couldn't help but ask.

"Hon, he told Robert, and Robert told Jeremy, and he told me. We are all one big happy family of sharing our secrets. Somewhat... Anyways see ya!"

"Okay," she called after her but she didn't hear. She sighed and slump back in the chair. She closed her eyes and thought about what awaited her, and soon enough she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

"Huh?" She said and her eyes flew open. Chris stood in front of her with her arms crossed.

"You were snoring," he says and sits in Scarlett's seat. He looked exhausted.

"What!" She sounded horrified. "Did not!"

"You're right, I was only kidding." He winked and she couldn't help but smile. He acted so charming all the time. It almost bugged her how easily she fell into his trance. Yet again, this is the handsome Chris Evans we are talking about-and her favorite super hero, Captain America.

"Mmkay," is all she said and stood up. She had dust and dirt all over her from putting on makeup and being around the set.

"Well, Mals, I must go help sweep the set. Go get ready and text me the address. I'll be there at at three o'clock sharp!" He said and walked to the set, grabbing the broom.

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