Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Watching the ground open up below us gave me the chills.  And it wasn’t all because it was dark outside.  I’d seen the door in the ceiling open up from the landing area, but I’d never seen it from the air, since the last time I’d been passed out.  But watching the ground go from looking absolutely normal to it splitting open under us was kind of creepy. 

Everyone was standing on the edge of the landing area, waiting for us to land.  Once we did and the helicopters’ blades spun to a stop, they were all there, opening the doors and helping us all out.

“Hey,” I said to Grandma, giving her a hug.

“You guys are back sooner than we thought you were going to be,” she said.

“We kind of got caught,” I said.  “We made it out in perfect shape though.”

“Good,” she said.

“You didn’t hurt anyone, did you, Rayney?” Lysander asked, smiling, as I reached over to hug him.

“No, but I came close to,” I said. 

“I got there before she could do anything,” Nash said from behind me.  “She and Rowan wouldn’t be in good shape if I hadn’t.”

“Yeah, right,” Rowan said, rolling her eyes as she hugged Auden and then Grandma. 

I hit him in the stomach and he groaned.  “See, that’s how it would have been for that Guard,” I said, laughing.

“So where’s Kade?” Grandma asked, looking around.

“I don’t know…”

“He went back to his room,” Roth said, coming up beside.  “He said he had something to do.”

“Oh,” I said. 

“We’ve got stuff for the infirmary,” Rowan said, going back to get the bag out of the helicopter.  “I guess we’ll bring it there, unpack everything and then we’ll head to bed.  At least I will.”

“It is already late,” Auden said.  “You girls need some rest.”

Rowan and I, along with Roth, headed over toward the shelves where everything was store.  We took off all our equipment, put it back where it belonged and headed for the infirmary.  When we walked in, McKenna was lying on one of the cots with Kate leaning over her stomach with a stethoscope on it. 

“Hey, we didn’t know you guys were back already,” Kate said, leaning up.

“Is everyone back?” McKenna asked, sitting up with Roth’s help.

“Yeah,” I said.  “Adem will probably be here in a second.”

And right on cue, Adem came rushing in. 

“Are you okay?  Is the baby coming?” he asked, sitting down beside her and putting his hand on her stomach.

“No, the baby’s not coming,” McKenna said, laughing.  “You get so paranoid sometimes.”

“It’s my first child,” he said, and leaned in to kiss her.  “Of course I’m paranoid.”

“Well, you need to stop,” she said.

“The baby sounds good,” Kate said.  “She should go into labor at any time.”

“I’m not leaving your side until that baby’s out,” Adem said.  “And you need to tell me if you feel any contractions at all.”

“I will,” McKenna said.  She looked over at us.  “I swear I’m going to be pushing him away from me within the next hour.”

“How were Lyric and Lilah?” I asked her.  “They weren’t too wild, were they?”

The Descendants Series Vol. 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora