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A/N - Hope You like it :) 

Kenma P.O.V.

'Sometimes I wonder why he made me join our college team' I think as I set for someone. 'Even though me and Kuro transfer this year from a different school. I told the coach to call me Kenma right away before he even announced our names because we joined the school later in the year he gave me a knowing smile ugh' after I think that the coach told us to gather around.

"Tomorrow we are getting our jerseys your last names will be on the back of them" When he says this my mind starts to panic but Kuroo decides to nudge my shoulder that helps me calm down. 'Shit now everyone's gonna know. There probably gonna judge us.' Kuroo nudges me again because he seen the look of panic across my face, it helps me calm down. 'The thing is we transfer to a new school in a America so everyone calls each other by our first name, I'm the only one that calls Kuroo Kuro because everyone calls him Tetsurou'

'We decide to transfer for one reason but some people still don't accept it, but they gonna find out tomorrow I just hope they don't react bad like my parents' Kuroo looks at me in worry because he knew how badly that affect me. He, our Nekoma team, Bokuto,Akaashi, and Hinata were the only people there me. 'That day still gives me nightmares'

"So with that practice is over ladies" when he says this he knocks me out of my thought. The rest of the team and me go to the locker room to change.

"Hey Kenma are you ok? You seemed worried?" a first year named Roy  Beringer he is a wing spikier i Believe. "I'm fine Roy Nothing is wrong" When I thought he dropped the subject he then said "You looked scared when they said there putting your last name on the back. Actually now that I think about it we don't know your last name?" I really wish he dropped it but then. " Kenma ready to go" Kuroo says as he walks up behind me ignoring us. "Ya let me just grab my bag. I will see you later Roy"

He waves to Kuroo and me when we leave after I grab my bag once we are out of the locker room I let out a long sigh of relief. "Thanks, Kuro Roy was asking me what my last name is" I sigh as I say this. " I'm just so worried there gonna react like my parents" Kuroo looks at me worriedly he puts a hand on my shoulder " Kenma if they don't accept what we are it's there lost because no matter what we're here for each other" I turn to look at Kuro and I hug him around his waist. " Thank you Kuro" Kuroo hugs me back " come on let's go home" at that we go back to walking to the apartment.

~The Next day at practice~

Kuroo and me are standing outside of the gym doors. "Kenma there is no way around this". He says as he looks at me in concern. "I know Kuro I'm just worried" he takes my hand and squeezes it a little "It's gonna be OK" I look at our rings that we don't wear during volleyball" I got you don't I" I smile as I look up at Kuroo as he starts to turn a little red " Ya you always got me, my little kitten let's go inside and face the music" He lets go of my hand as I turn red because he knows I always turn red when he calls me that.

When we walk in there are 2 boxes by the manager Amanda a second year. I sigh as Kuroo and I walk over into locker room to change. I start to get into the Brockwright College practice uniform which is Alice Blue and Dim Gray. After I'm done I put my ring into my duffel bag, I look over and sees that Kuroo is done he gives me a smile. After that we walk out together and we see that everyone is by Amanda. We slowly walk over there.

"Hey Kenma" I turn around and I see Roy "Hey" He smiles at me. "You excited to get your number." I Nod and gives him a fake smile.

"Listen up Ladies today you will get your numbers. Don't be upset with your numbers" our Coach Anton Falk says to us. I take in a deep breath. Amanda speaks up "I'm gonna read the back of the Jersey and when I do come get your jersey." Everyone's gonna know now.

"Clausen Number 13...Hillam Number 11...Beringer Number 9....Abraham Number 8..." As these names are getting called they go up to Amanda for there Jerseys ".....Kuroo Number 7" Kuroo gets up to grab it thinking it's his " ...Kuroo Number 6? Ah coach did we accidentally get 2 for Tetsurou" Everyone is looking at Amanda and Kuroo now. Coach then says "Nope not a misprint. Right Kenma?" As he says this everyone looks at me. Kuroo walks over to me.

Roy then asks "Are you two related?" Kuroo laughs and everyone looks at him. "No no no we aren't related."Everyone looks more confused. Kuroo takes my hand "Were Married" Everyone looks at us in shock. Barry the Libero mumbles " No Way". "This is a joke right?" Roy says carefully. Kuroo Face darkens "Got a problem with with us being married" Roy's looks at me and then Kuroo and realizes were serious. He then laughs, it throws me off guard "I was scared that I was gonna be the only Gay guy on the team"

When he says this I feel relief. I look up at my Husband and smiles. "I told you everything would be OK." The Captain Eli Adams walks up to us. "Why didn't you just tell us?" I don't look at him. "We moved to America to get away from people not accepting us in Japan. Before we got married, Kenma and Me were at his parents for dinner we were gonna tell them that night that we were in a relationship"Kuroo takes a deep breath "When we told them they acted badly, really badly. His mom kept saying I can't believe it I can't Believe it. His Dad looked at Kenma in Anger and told him you're not my son you're a Monster. He then looked at me and said you you're the one who did this and he tried to attack me. Kenma moved in front of me and took the blow of his first fist. He got a bad bruise and was crying not because of the pain but because of how they reacted." I squeeze his hand and he squeezes back "After that I punched that person so hard I heard a bone break. After that we left to our apartment I just sat there holding him. After that his parents told people that we are gay. Which is sorta false because Kenma is demisexual. But after that we had people glaring at us. The word Fag on our Apartment door. Everywhere we go people didn't like us. Then Kenma friend Hinata told us about how same-sex marriage in America was passed awhile ago. Kenma and me talked and here we are." Kuroo looks at me in worry. "That's why we didn't tell you" I tell them I finally decide to look up at my team. They all looked sad and Roy comes over to hug me "Kenma I'm so sorry that happened to you" next thing you know the whole team joins the hug I see Barry dragging the coach and Amanda in the Hug to. They let go Kuroo looks at me then starts to Panic "Kenma are you ok?" He rushes back over to my side. "What...?" I say to him "Kenma you have tears on your face" I feel my face and I feel tears "What... but I'm not sad" Kuroo chuckles "Kitten I think those are tears of joy" I turn red when he calls me Kitten "I think you are right" I give him a smile.

"Alright team back to practice" Eli says to us. The rest of the team goes to practice Kuroo gives me another smile and kisses my forehead. "Let's go Kitten" I turn red again and follows him.

~After Practice~

Kuroo and me are walking to our apartment. I feel something brush against my hand I look at my hand and I realize it was Kuroo hands, I smile. I causally take his hand in mine he looks at me. "I thought you hated public affection?" but he says this smiles. "Anything with you makes me happy" I look up at him and smiles as I watch his cheeks turn red. "What did I do to deserved you." Kuroo tells me, I stop walking and I looks at him and I motion for him to lean down so I tell him. "You saved me. Thank You" I lean forward and pecks him lightly on his lips. "Anything for you Kitten." we are both red now we continue walking hand in hand. "Hey Kuro" I say to him when were almost home. "Ya kitten" He says while he looks at me. "Do you have the House key?" He looks at me confused. "No, I thought you had them, ugh we must have left them at the gym" I face palm he then says "Well now I can hold your hand longer" He tells me while we turn around to head back to the gym. "You know I love you right?" I tell him while smiling "I love you to kitten".

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