Chapter three

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Chapter three.

Hermione managed to make it to the Gryffindor Common Room barely intact. She was in ruins. This boy- Fleamont, looked almost exactly like Harry, sans the glasses and green eyes. His blue eyes seemed brighter than her future at that moment.

Her eyes drifted around the Common Room, which seemingly got quiet as soon as she step foot through the portrait.

''Everybody,'' Fleamont's jovial voice rang through the silence as he gave a wide smile, ''allow me to introduce Hermione Delacour, she's a transfer, so treat like you would your friends.'' As the boy finished his sentence, the Common Room burst into its regular conversations, barely sparing Hermione a glance. Excellent.

''Well,'' Fleamont laughed, ''your dorm would be up those stairs,'' he pointed to the regular staircase that always held the girls' dorms. The dark haired boy smiled, ''I would escort you, but seeing as it turns to a slide when a boy steps foot on it, I'd rather not.''

Hermione gave a laugh, the memory of Ron stumbling down the slide flashed through her mind and she let out a small sigh. ''That's all right, thank you for you help,'' she gave him a kind smile, turning and making her way up the stairs.

Walking into the sixth year girl dorm, she eyed the room. She assumed that the bed that had a neat girl's uniform and robe on it was hers. There was also a pile of books besides the bed, and she guessed that was for her classes.

The muggle clothing that she was wearing was dirty and worn and her arm was throbbing. Everything that happened seemed to wash the torture that she had just endured to the back of her mind. A thought jumped into her mind, and she leaned down to her dirty trainers, pushing her sock aside and pulling out her beaded bag. She had everything in there.

Gods, she needed a shower. Removing the dirty shoes, she headed into the shared showers, her wand and bag at her side.

Hermione turned the water on, stripping herself of her clothes as she let it heat up. She placed her bag and wand just outside the reach of the water as she stepped in. A hum of satisfaction left her lips as the dirt washed off her body, leaving the water pooling at her feet a murky color.

She washed her body with soap and scrubbed at her dirty hair. The stinging in her arm was finally registered as she let herself relax. The throbbing pain seemed to overcome the gratitude she felt of having a shower. Giving a grunt, she grabbed her wand, casting scourgify on the wound, hissing as her arm was cleaned.

After finishing up in the shower, she changed into the clothes she had stuffed in her bag, something the sleep in. She used a drying spell on her hair as she brought her wand up to her arm.

She bit down on her bottom lip, muttering a spell under her breath, hiding the scar on her skin. Hermione rubbed her hand down her arm, still being able to feel the bumps on her skin. At least she can't see it anymore.

Shaking her head, she made her way out of the girls' bathroom, heading towards her bed. After moving aside the uniform, which the outfit seemed much longer than before, she lied down on the bed, closing her eyes and soon falling into fitful sleep.


When Hermione woke up the next morning, her body was rather sore. She gave a small groan as she sat up in the bed, looking around.

The other Gryffindor girls were asleep on their beds. She grabbed the uniform that was lying neatly on the ground, making her way to the bathroom.

Hermione took a quick shower, changing into her uniform after. She looked down at her arm, noticing that the charm was still hiding the scars. Giving a sigh of relief, she dried her hair, leaving it in the bushy mess that it usually was. It seemed to have gotten a tad bit tamed, but was still as messy as usual. She took in a small breath, leaving back to her shared room. She noticed that the other girls were waking up.

Hermione grabbed the bag that had her schoolbooks and slung it over her shoulder. She should be getting her list for classes during breakfast. Walking down to the Common Room, she noticed that some students were down there. She scanned the common room, chewing on her bottom lip as she caught sight of bright red hair. Ron immediately flashed through her mind before she could even register the thought.

She felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach as she gathered herself, ignoring the wetness of her eyes. Taking a deep breath, her hand gripped the bag draped around her shoulder and she made her way to the portrait at a quick pace.

''Oh, Hermione!'' The girl mentally cursed herself as she turned to Fleamont who smiled brightly. ''I was waiting for you, figured you didn't know your way around yet, but I'm guessing you do?''

Hermione let out a laugh, shaking her head. ''I was at least going to try to find my way around, I didn't think you'd wait up for me,'' the lie swiftly left her lips as she looked over at the boy. Gods, he looked just like him, and all Hermione wanted to do was run over and hug him.

Fleamont gave the girl a wide grin, ''well, Septimus and I are going to show you around. If you get lost, we might not find you until days later,'' he joked, and Hermione mentally agreed with him.

The red head boy, Septimus, gave her a kind smile, ''it's not everyday we get a new student.'' Hermione nodded, turning to the portrait as she walked out, the boys in tow. ''So, where to first?'' she asked, though she instantly knew where the Great Hall was.

''We're going to take you to the Great Hall, that's where we eat all our meals.'' The girl nodded, the boy's words drifting through one ear and out the other. She knew all of that, of course.

By the time the trio made it to the Great Hall, it was almost full. Her eyes drifted around to each student, and her eyes stopped on one student in particular, a Slytherin. He was quite handsome, if she had to say so herself.

His eyes shot to hers and she felt her stomach jolt. Staring into his eyes, she found nothing inside. It was like looking inside a depth of never-ending darkness. The whites of his eyes contrasted sharply with his pitch-black iris. It was like being sucked into a black hole; her body immediately turned cold and she resisted the urge to shiver.

She felt like something was happening in the back of her mind, and she jolted, noticing the feeling. Hermione quickly cleared her mind, building up her walls and pushing the boy out. The look on his face was a mixture of rage and incredulousness, but a blank face quickly replaced it.

Hermione eyed the boy suspiciously. ''That's Tom Riddle, he's top of our class,'' Septimus ruined Hermione's train of thought as her body immediately tensed up. That was Voldemort? Shit. 

[I hope this is alright! i've honestly been stuck on what to do! i apologize.]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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