Chapter 3 : introducing...

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Tsuna POV


My head feels foggy...

Did I just faint again? But I was sure not stressing my self out. So why-?


I feel warm. This has never happened before. I can feel myself again...

Drowsily I opened my eyes, and I saw a blurr black and yellow. Mostly black...

I think I know where I ever saw this... this familiar sight...

Hold on! 'C-Could it be?'

as I regain my vision fully I saw him...

Reborn... Il mio numero uno papà... How? How come he's still alive! Didn't he-?

Oh yeah, I forgot... I'm not in that world again...

'So I guess this Reborn is different huh? we're none other than a stranger then...' I thought gloomily, But I keep my smile.

"Hello there..." I called.

"How are you feeling, Dame-Tsuna?" 

I chuckled, "calling me with nicknames already? I barely know you..."

"But you know my name already. so why bother." he shrugged.

"I guess you're right..." I said as tried to sit. and he helped me at that. "Thank you..."

"No problem..." He replied. "now, would you kind enough to tell me on how do you know me? and why did you faint?"

I hummed, "well, Tou-san told me about you. and for why I faint. I guess your sudden arrival did shock me. Therefore my heart can't catch up the shock and that's it. You see, I have this illness, arrhythmia or you can simply said weak heart like how others mention it."

Reborn clicked his tongue, "He never mentioned about this..." he muttered but I can still hear it.

"well, Tou-san can't possibly know, not even the twins know. Because Inever mention it to anyone. Plus I did the check up secretively.   It's enough for them to know that  I'm a weak girl, no need to add their worry." I smiled. But I know that he's not taking my reason. I've known him for 18 years of my *cough*past*cough* life so I can tell the emotions that running unnoticedly on his stoic facade. and so I sighed silently before then changing the topic.

"so, are you here for some specific reason, Reborn-san?" I asked.

He smirked, "ho~ so you know that I'm not here for vacation?"

I flashed another smile, "Let's just say. I'm good at guessing games"

He probably assessing on my Hyper Intuition right now. Not like I care nor I could do anything about it. It always as sharp as ever.

"You're kind of small for your age, Dame-Tsuna" 

I chuckled, "Yeah, I hear that a lot..."

"well, we better work on that. That will be your dissavantage as a boss..." He smirked and I pretend to be confused.

"a boss? You're funny Reborn-san. There's no way I could be a boss" I giggled a little.

"Oho~ but you will, Dame-Tsuna. for you're the direct decendant of Vongola Primo and the rightful heir of Vongola fagmilia. a mafia fagmilia. And you are the sole candidate to be Vongola Decima... and I'm Reborn, the number one hitman in the world will train you into a good boss. Be prepare, Dame-Tsuna. I won't hesitate for any reason. not for your gender nor for your illness

With that I fainted again. This time it's not from the shock of the news, but from the scare of what could he has stocked for my future. 

'oh... I'm so doomed...'


Meanwhile at Namimori Elementary...

No one dare to approach the raging two. The school Idols, Sawada Miyuki and Sawada Makoto. only stupids that won't notice the thick KI they're emmitting.

They know that there's only one reason that could turn their carefree and caring personality 1800 degrees, and that's none other than their eldest, Sawada Tsunami... even thought they know that the twins know about the said brunette's verbal abbussion, no one dare to voice it out in front of the overprotective twins. They're too afraid to lose their lives. and I kid not for there's already one student that has it experienced. and the said student was a highschoolar. He might not dead, But he got a really bad trauma about that day, he even move out from Japan after that.

Therefore no one dare to interact with the two demons, till the end of the day.

As the bell rang, The two hurriedly headed home. In this situation, no one will believe that one is blind while the other is wheelchaired. I mean from how fast they are, who could believe that fact?

Makoto and Miyuki hurriedly went to their dear sister's room, just to find her, still on her bed.

Reborn, noticed the two and greeted them, "Chaos..." 

"Reborn..." Miyuki called.

"so, how is Tsu-nee? I have feeling that she was awake but I guess I was wrong..."

Reborn shooked his head, "she's indded awake. I even get to tell her about her current state. But after that she fainted again..." 

"Tch! Why did you do that? can't you tell her in any better sircumstances, Hitman?" Makoto hissed.

"Well, she needs to know about it, sooner or later. Which I choose latter. anyway, how's your school?" 

Miyuki scowled, "None of your bussiness, pervert..."

"It's not like I care, anyway..."Reborn just shrugged, not caring for the insults. "By the way, your sister has that so infamous HI that is said to only the true, destinied Vongola bossess had. Therefore I know that it's her fate to take the throne. Like it or not. You two can't do anything about that."

The twins clicked their tongue at that. "To think that Tsu-nee of all people-" Makoto muttured while Miyuki thought the same thing on her mind.

"Well, I've suplied some of my sun flames to her, That way she'll re-awake earlier than she used to. Just how like she fas before. Now, I guess it's better for us to leave so she can rest peacefully." Grumping under their breaths, The twins complied for Reborn's order. and so they went back to their room to change their attire. Meanwhile Reborn went to the living room to send his report to Vongola Nono via email...

Once he's done, a smirk curved his lips. 'hums~ For now on,  for sure... things are going to be interesting~"


Now, Now... I wonder on what did Tsu-chan mean with her words, do you? *smirk*

But Anyway, I think I failed to get 10 votes before... *pout*

Oh well, I wonder how about this time? will I get my reward? *puppy eyes*

10 votes and 10 comments are needed for next chap's update. (It won't be that hard to get, is it?)

Well tha's it for now, Chao~ Chao~

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