Chapter 8 : for my dear sister

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One day at Namimori Elementary's backyard...

"-I've been in love with you since the first day I moved here... so... p-please be my boyfriend?" That pink haired girl asked Makoto who's dumbfounded at the sudden confession.

"Ano... you do know that I'm blind, right? Wouldn't that bother you?" He asked back but the girl hurriedly shook her head.

"It's not a problem... I... my feelings to you will never change at that tiny detail..." she replied with full of determination.

Makoto scratched his cheek as he think of his next move. All the while, The girl is standing there sweated and nervous for his answer.

But at last, Makoto replied with, "I'm sorry, Bia-chan. You are Mi-chan's very best friend. But don't you think that we're too young for this matter?

And afterall I still have so many things to do on my own, Taking care of my sisters, and all. I couldn't possibly be anyone's boyfriend at the moment... I hope you can understand?"

"U-Uh... eum... it's o-okay... I understand... w-well, I should take my leave then... s-so... see you around! Makoto-kun!" The girl said as she sprinted away while letting out her tears of disappointment. Knowing this, Makoto sighed.

"Wow, now I'm in dilemma, should I chase over her or cheer you up, my dear brother?" A pat on his shoulder forced him to smile.

"What can I do? You know exactly why I can't accept her..." Makoto said.

"But even assasins have hearts. And I do know you loved her too..." she replied and Makoto sighed.

"Enough, Miyuki... like I said, we're too young for any relationship. We're still elementary students for god sake!"

"Oh, brother... you're so old styled. You do know how things goes these days, right? I've even seen couples from second graders!"

"Well those are their parents mistakes for not watching their children. But I don't want to take any risks to taint Tsu-nee's name." The older twin said.

"Oh really? But why do I have this feeling that you think further than that?" Miyuki tugged her brother's arm until the boy gave in and speaks up.

"Fine! I'll tell you!" He huffed while the girl giggled.

"Instead of her, I can't trust her sister..."

"Hmm...? Hayano-san? Why?" Miyuki questioned.

"I don't really know, but something within her, shouts danger. And I don't want Tsu-nee got in trouble in any case."

Miyuki then hit him softly on his sides, "see? You're thinking too much again..." she said.

"What? I just being careful. That's all..." Makoto replied. "Anyway, we should probably get home now. Tsu-nee must be worrying us"

"Okay..." then Makoto put his stick aside as he pushed Miyuki's wheelchair.

All the while, none of them noticed the pair of onyx that were watching them all along...

"Hmm... what an amusing turn of events. Well, at least I could use this to provoke her..." the man muttered before he tugged his fedora down to hide his smirk as he left...

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