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“So you want me to believe that you were with a girl at the stands, who wasn’t Myra, trying to pour soothing water of love on her fire of agony, and that is why you completely forgot about our plan to go to the fjord?” Karl hissed.

“All the chaos wouldn’t have taken place if you wouldn’t disappear with my phone.” I tried to defend myself.

“Like I told you earlier, Anne texted me that she needed my help with something so I went. What was there so wrong in that?” he said.

“First of all, the biggest blunder in it was that you ran with my phone, and second of all, don’t even try to defend yourself by saying that you thought it might be an emergency. Pouring soothing waters of satisfaction on her fire of lust, isn’t for God sake an emergency” I said completely resting my case.

“Who told you that?” he asks

“You really think I am going to answer that” I said, shoving my hands into my jean’s pocket. This walking back from Magnus with him, was great, until it would get super chilly.

“So who was that girl, with whom you lost the track of time?” he asks, nudging me.

“Her name of was Annette. I just helped her by sitting next to her and listening as she poured her heart out to me.” I lied through my teeth as I didn't want to tell that story to Karl right now.

“Really, I mean who would bare their wounds to an utter stranger. Or is it that you already know her, you sneaky little boy?” he laughed at himself.

“Good you are taking at least the first step of acceptance to the fact that at times you sound like a teenager studying in upper secondary school. And I met her today for the first time and the only thing I know about her is that her name is Annette.” I said.

“This name sounds a little familiar, yet I am unable to remember how. I am sure I have heard this name before.” He says clearly with his thinking cap on.
And if Karl says he has heard it, he ‘has’.

“Karl, are you sure that there was no message from Myra, or there was and you deleted it?” I asked with suspicion clearly visible in my eyes, as Karl is capable of doing so. In college he had deleted the messages from my phone, sent by a girl who liked me, because he thought he was a witch who uses to roam in the streets at night. I didn’t have a logical explanation for that till Jude enlightened him with the fact that, Karl was simply taking revenge from her, as she had deleted messages from his phone, sent by some other girl, when he was dating her. I know, it’s complicated, when it’s Karl.

"No bud, why would-" he paused, clapped his hands and continued,

"Dude, Annette, is Myra’s friend. Remember her mentioning her friend Annette waiting for her at the library. "

“Ohh yes. And maybe that explains why Myra didn’t message me.” I smiled like a Cheshire cat.

“How does that explain why she didn’t message?” he asked with confusion.

“Because when I was talking to Annette she mentioned that, she would have talked to her friend, only if she weren’t down with flu, which means Myra is down with flu” I said, very happily.

“Bud what is there to be happy about? Your potential future girlfriend is down with flu, and you don’t even have her number, to send her a message saying ‘get well soon baby’” he said making a puppy face in the end.

“She is my current friend, and that’s it.” I huffed and kept walking.

“It isn’t a good idea to roam in the streets like a creep to find out where she lives” I heard him say, but he wasn’t walking with me. I turned around, and noticed that he was standing few feet behind me and grinning like an idiot, near my house, which I had clearly walked past, without even noticing. I walked back and opened my gate.

“Embarrassed?” he said putting a hand over his mouth to resist himself from bursting into laughter. “Why would I be?” I asked, clearly embarrassed within, as I had walked past home only because I was thinking about Myra.
“Take to you own sweet time, to come to realization bud” saying which he waved and started walking.

I knocked on the door, and my Mom opened the door like always, instantaneously.

“So how was your day at Magnus?” she asked.
“Like any other day Mom” I said flatly, as I was clearly bored of following this meaningless ritual where my Mom would ask the same question to me every time I returned from Magnus, even after knowing that chances of getting any different answers were bleaker than Dad ever winning in any argument against Mom.

“Great then, go change your clothes and come down for dinner.” She said as she walked into the kitchen.
I walked upstairs and first took a shower with hot water. I wore a t-shirt and lounge pants and was going to exit the room when my phone beeped. I thought it might be Karl, but it was an unknown number.

The text read- ‘Hii, sorry it took me so late to message you. I was down with flu, so couldn’t message any earlier. Myra’

I was one step away from reverting with some super stupid message, in the feat of happiness.

Take your time, cause this text message that you send, will carry with itself an impression of you, which can either impress her or ruin you” which was totally right.

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