the super fun first "chapter"

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a/n:: welcome!!!!  I still havent found a proper cover for this so enjoy my silly temporary one for now!!

This is a derp crew superhero au, as the title says :') titles are not my strong suit. They're kinda chapters, kinda just one big series of drabbles that I crammed together. You decide.

Still haven't figured out the ships for this, just know this is very Ze and Aphex centered!!! And i hope y'all enjoy 💕❤💞❤💕❤💞


The desk he's at is worn and old, just like the entire building he is in. Steven sighs quietly, shuffling papers in his hand. He stares out the window longingly and frowns. How long has he been sitting here? Last time he checked, the sun wasn't even up.

"Man," he mumbles to himself. "I wish I had gotten two cups of coffee instead of one."

He doesn't get much more time to regret his morning decisions, for a knock at his door snaps him out of his thoughts. His boss (and best friend) Shawn, or Mr. Ritz as Steven has grown to call him while at work, is standing in the doorway with yet another stack of papers. He smiles warmly at Steven and holds them out.

"Hey. Sorry for intruding. I wanted to bring these in to save you the trip. It's the last bit for now, you're free to go out for lunch after you finish. I need you back here by one, though. You know why." Ritz sets the papers on Steven's desk and chuckles at his displeased look. "Yeah, I'm sorry I have to drag you along. You're my assistant though. We gotta stick together."

Steven can't help but smile at that. "You say it like we're best friends getting detention together instead of a mayor and his assistant going to some business meeting."

"Maybe I do," Ritz laughs. "I've known you longer than anyone else, though. I've got some errands to run. If anyone is looking for me, you know what to say!"

He's back out the door before Steven can say anything. Steven just rolls his eyes and goes back to his paperwork. It wasn't even anything cool- just a bunch of budgeting plans to repair some roads and buildings that were damaged when some crazed fire-breathing man attacked.

Yeah... It's a crazy world Steven lives in. He's used to this by now. Sometimes, people are just randomly born with superpowers. There's no real way of finding out if it's genetic or not, Steven's come to learn. He has healing abilities. Nobody else in his family has any powers, and it confused everyone when Steven first discovered his powers.

He was kinda awkward about it at first. Then again, he was insanely awkward about everything until he met Ritz in the ninth grade. Ritz pulled him out of his shell a little, and simultaneously ended up landing a job as the mayor of the entire city. And as much as Steven wanted to put his computer skills to good use....

He knew that he couldn't let Shawn run this horrible city all by himself.

And honestly? In the three years they've been working, they've made a lot of improvements. When they were growing up, the leaders had been all corrupt. There wasn't any law, any safety or any justice. But now everything was better than before. Not perfect, but much, much better.

And Steven could settle for that.


Lunch breaks were a godsend. Really and truly, there is nothing Steven loves more than some good pasta and some garlic bread. Or maybe a good coffee. Yeah, Steven is always a slut for Tim Horton's.

He's walking down the street to the cute café he passed on his drive to work this morning. They said they had "the best apple pie around." Well, Steven would have to be the judge of that. He's maybe a block and a half from city hall. A good five, six minute walk. It's not far at all. Whatever went down in this area was usually visible from Steven's office. He spends more time gazing longingly at the coffee shops here than he'll ever admit.

[cityscape] [a derp crew superhero au kinda]Where stories live. Discover now