Cursed to War

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   "Have a nice day," Adeline's tutor closed the door, leaving Adeline to herself and the barbaric screams outside on the fields. She let her mind wander into memories from long ago. She smiled as she remembered the salty smells from the sea and the waves crashing into each other, from when she was on her father's ship. Adeline vividly remembered the grayish-blue sky's loom over her as the ship's crew tidied the place up. A new cabin boy was scrubbing the deck, and when he tried getting up after what seemed like hours of scrubbing, his legs fell asleep and he went head first overboard.

     Nobody noticed at first until a young Adeline had told her dad "Boy went bye bye!" and pointed at the place where the cabin boy fell. Adeline let out a little laugh as she finished off her memories. "I wonder what happened to him?" She chuckled to herself as she stood from her seat at her hazel desk. She walked to the middle of the room and just stood there, and scanned her eyes around the room. Boredom filled her head as she continued to scrutinize the room.

     Before she was about to retreat to her bed, something glistened in her eye. She fixed her gaze on the item on her wardrobe, somehow unsure of what it was. She slowly treaded towards her wardrobe to inspect the item. Once she was close enough, she could see it was made of perfect silver. She picked it up and it revealed to be a palm-sized ball of some sort.

     It was light and had some carvings in ancient Russian Adeline didn't yet fully understand. The only thing she could make it was '..cursed to war...savior...death of..'. "What was cursed to war? Could it be the war that's upon us?" She questioned, looking out the window with a hint of woe in her face.

     She looked around on the sphere for anything more, but the rest she couldn't understand. She took the ball to her small chest on the windowsill and placed it in there. She knew she was quite clumsy when it came to carrying things, so she made sure the ball was encased in something she could spare to break if it were to slip out of her hands. She took the chest delicately and heads out her room, leaving the door slightly ajar. She tiptoed her way down the lengthy and twisted stairway.

     She continued creeping along the stairs until she spotted a window on the side. By the looks of it, she was nearly halfway there. "Why did Father set my room in such a high place? My tutors must be in great shape with all this stair climbing.." She mumbled to herself, pivoting her direction back to the stairs. She continued going down, and when she finally reached the bottom, she peaks out of the open door way. Adeline checked both sides before proceeding down the right corridor.

     The candle lights in the hallway flickered as she sneaked to the end. Once she reached the end of the corridor, she headed down a hallway on the right, where two doors were located. She entered the first door and shuts it quickly behind her. She was submerged with the scent of pages and ink. Adeline took a look around to see if anyone was around. "Completely empty," Adeline whispered to herself. She usually wasn't allowed in the library, but she had to know what was written on the silver orb.

     As swift as a rabbit, Adeline crept past the tall shelves of books, until she reached a section labeled 'Ancient Language'. She places her hand and ran it past every book until she landed on the one titled 'Ancient Russian for The Young'. She grabbed the thick, dusty book and began to read...

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