History Is Set

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     As Adeline flipped through the book, she felt the rough pages against her fingertips. She scanned every line for something that resembled the scriptures. She quickly set down her box and opened it. She took out the ball to get a closer look. She flipped through a few more pages, until she had found it. The page was filled with drawings and translations from so long ago.

She continued to translate the silver ball's message. ' Avar and Persia cursed to war for eternity for their ancestor's wrong-doings. No amount of blood shed can fill the void that is the emptiness of their hope and safety. One savior exists during the time of the 11th rein of Avar and one antichrist roams the world until the end of time.

Waiting and watching until the time is right and the death of the savior is in his tainted hands. Tainted with the blood of the innocent. May the savior live long enough, before death will surely happen.' Adeline paused for a moment, in shock of what she just read. "It must be terrible to be the savior. They are surely doomed to die. I'm thankful I am not the savior. I prefer to have my head on my neck.." Adeline calmly said to herself as she put the book away.

"Wait. What age of dynasty are we in again?" Adeline thought, moving over to the history section. She picked up 'Avarian History in a Nutshell' and went straight to page 341. The timeline on the bottom read 'beginning of 10th dynasty: 523' She continued on 'beginning of 11th dynasty: 557' the date was October 23rd, 573. "Oh. The savior should be alive right about now. Maybe father knows something about that? My history tutor did say I needed to research something about history, so this should do." Adeline returned to the box and placed the silver sphere inside.

She picked it up and headed out of the library, shutting the door behind her. After heading up a few stories of stairs and a couple Twisted corridors, she finally reached her father's study. She peered inside and found her father writing something down in his journal. Her father looked up from his journal and immediately closed it. "Adeline.. what are you doing here?" Her father questioned Adeline as he sat his quill down.

He fixed his posture so he was upright.
"I wanted to k-know something for one of my history projects. It was- I needed to research the whole myth behind why Avar and Persia were at war and I found this book that told the story why and it mentioned something that I think you would know something about."
"What is it?"
"It mentioned something about a savior? And- and the antichrist? Who or what are those?" Her father just stared at Adeline for a moment.

He hesitated before saying anything. "It's.. it's just a legend. Nothing real or anything to worry about. Your tutor might be going a bit, well you know. After all that stair climbing?" He circled his finger around his ear. Adeline was still curious about what it was, and she knew her father had answers, but she didn't want to push him.

She thanked her father before leaving the room. She decided to head to the lounge room to do some light reading and -as you guessed it- lounging. She wasn't too far from the room. All she had to do was take a left from her fathers study, make two rights and go through the 3rd door on the left. Once she entered the room, she grabbed one of her favorite books -Land of Ethra- from the shelf and proceeded to plop down onto the nearest divan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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