Meeting Mikey and Frank

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Chapter Two

            Alex came to get us at 2:30 in the afternoon and drove us to Boston where our beloved tour bus was waiting. Our huge bus was more beautiful than I remembered. It was black, with our pictures on the left side and Graced by a Bullet written in bold, red letters. I smiled to myself as our fans crowded around it. The girls and I grabbed our bags and pushed our way through the screams. In the comfort of our bus, I waved to our adoring fans as Alex drove us to Main where the tour would start. Let me introduce Alex Donavan. Our faithful limo and bus driver. Alex was about six inches taller than me, but I’m only 5’3” so, basically everyone’s taller than me. He’s in his late thirty’s, has pale blonde hair and green eyes. He was more of a friend than driver and we wouldn’t have it any other way. “Warped Tour, watch out.” Miranda shouted with way to much enthusiasm.

“Okay, well. I’m gonna get a nap in before I go all fan girl on Frank Iero.” I said giggling.

“You know, I’m so gonna out do you when I go fan girl on Ryan Ross.” Vicki said raising her eyebrows. I considered this for a second.

“You’re on.” I said with an evil smile and made my way to our bunks. Top one to the left. Same as always. I snuggled with the covers and willed myself to sleep. My subconscious took me to an all too familiar place. Our old house. A six year old me and Vicki were running around playing tag. I felt like I was watching from the outside. The scene faded and to when I was in middle school. The twelve year old me danced around in her pajamas while singing “Anyway You Want It” by Journey in her bedroom getting ready for school. She giggled to herself while pulling her socks on. That scene faded as well, taking me to the first time we ever played a show. The nineteen year old me looked at the crowd and her eyes grew wide. When she finally got the guts to sing, she sang our first song we ever wrote as a band; “Sweet Irony”.

My eyes, can’t believe what they have seen

In the corner of your room you’ve stock piled

Millions of my memories

She sang. The scene was about to fade when I felt a hand shake me awake. I opened my eyes to see Miranda looking back at me innocently. “We’re here.” She giggled. I shot up and looked at her with wide eyes.

 “Is My Chem here?” I asked. She nodded and giggled again.

“So is Panic! Vicki’s talking to Ryan already.” She said. I bolted out of bed and out of the bus. Sure enough Vicki was talking to Ryan Ross and Brendon Urie. I glanced around and saw Mikey Way and Frank Iero sipping coffee out of Starbucks cups, leaning on their bus. I caught Mikey’s eye and he smiled. I blushed and looked away, my eyes landing on William Beckett.

“Hey shorty.” He said ruffling my hair. William’s one of my other best friends. I rolled my eyes and hugged him.

“I missed you, Beckett.” I sighed.

“Hannah!” I heard Vicki call. I looked over and saw she was jogging towards me with Mr. Frank Iero in tow. I blushed again and hid behind William.

“I don’t bite.” Frank said chuckling. I squealed and looked at him. I quickly looked away.

“Hannah, this is Frank Iero. Frank, meet Miss. Hannah Blair.” Vicki said, smirking.

“I-I know who you are.” I whispered, stuttering. His gorgeous face smiled.

“And, I know who you are.” He said extending his hand. I just stared at it like a little girl stares at the cookie jar before dinner. I carefully placed my hand in his and shook it.

Disenchanted (Mikey Way and Frank Iero *not a slash*) OneWhere stories live. Discover now