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Ella's POV

"Elliot, we need to talk." I tell him, pulling him away from Shawn, Sam and Bridget.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, wiping a few stray tears off my face.

"I live here, and when my girlfriend told me that MAGCon was here, and that Bridget was, I wanted to see if you might be here."

"Why do you want to see me so bad?"

"Dad. He's in the hospital... He's been in a coma for about 3 years now..."

I swallowed, my mouth suddenly feeling very dry.

"And you've been alone this entire time?" I ask for clarification.


"Thats illegal ya'know, being alone while still a minor... You could have gotten shipped off to some orphanage and then I really would have never seen you again..."

"I kinda did get put in an orphanage, but my friend convinced his parents to adopt me."

"Instead of coming back to us? God you can be such an idiot sometimes!"

"I figured if I came back no one would talk to me and I'd be alone, probably more alone than with dad!" He shouted at me.

"Why the hell did you go with dad in the first place then! You didn't have to sneak off with him!" I screamed back. But screaming wasn't going to get us anywhere, "why?" I ask softly.

"Because I was 7! He said he was going on a trip and I wanted to go with! I didn't expect it to last for forever!" He says, calming down just a bit.

"You could have called."

"After that first month, every time we called, it said the number was changed, so after a month of that, we just gave up. Mom changed the number Ella, that's why I never called, for all I knew you could have been in London."

"I actually was for 2 summers." I say, trying to lighten the mood.

"What's it like there?"

"Nice when it's not raining." That got him to laugh.

"Ella, I really am sorry though, but you can't blame me, 7 year olds can't exactly drive and dad wouldn't take me back even though I would plead and plead." I slid down the wall, Elliot doing the same.

"So, do you want to stay with me for mag then come home with me? You can see how bad mom is... Even after 11 years."

"Um... Yeah, sure. So how's Ethan."

"Actually, right before I left he woke from about a 2 week coma... I had been in one for about a week... He snuck out to meet a girl, got hit by a car, and I heard the car so I ran out, I really don't remember what happened to me though..."

"Well jeez, crazy boy. He's what, 13 now?"


"Wow... I've missed out on so much..."

"Ya think?" I say, lightly shoving him, but laughing.

"Wanna know the thing I missed most?" He asked me.


"Our fighting, name-calling, all that." He said laughing.

"I tried to do that with Ethan, he would just cry if I called him buttface!"

"That was always the winning name for you, wasn't it?"

"Yup, except in school, apparently, buttface was a bad word."

"Buttface. A bad word. Now that's not something I hear everyday."

"Your still a buttface, but your my buttface."


He wraps his arms around me in a hug and I hug back.

"I missed you and your hugs." I whispered.

"My hugs are pretty bomb."

"I definitely didn't miss your cockiness though." I say laughing.

"Not even a little bit?"

"Maybe a little bit..." I say with a smile.


So, that was Ella and Elliot's convooooo! Yay!!! Idk I'm home sick so any mistakes please point them out! Thanks!



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