Book 6 The Conception of the First Mortals and the Vampire Wars

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[1:1] The First War of the Immortals had passed, [1:2] and the Gods rule upon Erthos was supreme and good.

[1:3] As punishment to their first children who survived the Divine Scorn of Omer, [1:4] they would be stripped of their powers, [1:5] if they should be consumed by the evils of Wrath, Pride, and Envy, [1:6] then they would lose all their powers and immortality, [1:7] and this was made law of the lands, [1:8] and the Law of the Gods is supreme.

[1:9] The remaining Holy Immortals and the few Lámœrians, [1:10] went onto help the Gods rebuild all of Erthos, [1:11] they extinguished the lakes of fire that birth new stones, [1:12] and they raised the mountains again from the depths sunken into, [1:13] they made the waters of the rivers and lakes and seas and oceans pure again, [1:14] and they planted new seeds that would bare new fruits, [1:15] and they gathered the animals nearly wiped out by the war, [1:16] and they gave onto every beast, [1:17] and to every fish that swims, [1:18] and to every bird that flies, [1:19] and to every creeping thing that crawls upon the ground, [1:20] they gave onto them new homes to thrive once more, [1:21] and they became plentiful on the lands and in the waters and it was good.

[1:22] Upon the rays of a new dawn, [1:23] the Gods had awoken from their Towers of Power, [1:24] and the Gods decided to make their Third Children, [1:25] they were to be the new Brothers and Sisters to the Lámœrians and the Holy Immortals, [1:26] and they were to help repopulate the world and be fruitful, [1:27] and thus they created the First Mi̱notós, the Mortals, [1:28] for they were made from the lands and materials of Erthos, [1:29] that the Lámœrians called their new brothers and sisters the Mójén.

[1:30] The First Mortals created by Mother Athroosmer and Father Omer, [1:31] they were crafted within the sacred grounds of Shóngrolá, [1:32] that they were made from saplings of Noble Golden Oak Trees, [1:33] and they were fed by the waters of the Mother Goddess' holy Ewer Āphlō, [1:34] and their living bodies was carved from the very wood of the trees by Omer's talons, [1:35] that the Father of Dragons created them from the image of Mother Athroosmer.

[1:36] The first mortals were birthed in the fire and in the wind, [1:37] and bathed in the waters of Athroosmer, [1:38] and moulded in the sacred earth of Shóngrolá, [1:39] and when they were born, [1:40] they were whole and fully developed, [1:41] and thusly named Eoùji'mij, theo Eltom Aloo, the Elder Elves, [1:41] of which they called themselves Aldmerál.

[1:42] Athroosmer gifted the Elder Elves beauty, [1:43] and Omer gave onto them a small glimpses of his knowledge.

[1:44] The First Elder Elves were immortal beings, [1:45] but they were not as powerful as the Holy Immortals or the Lámœrians, [1:46] yet the Holy Immortals and Lámœrians admired the Elder Elves for their beauty, [1:46] and of which they held an innocent curiosity to themselves, [1:47] for they always sought knowledge, [1:48] and they travelled to many lands to learn whenever Shóngrolá passed over.

[1:49] The Elder Elves were fast learners, [1:50] and their knowledge and powers expanded, [1:51] yet many of their wise men and women sought more powers, [1:52] for they yearned to be equal with the Holy Immortals and Lámœrians, [1:53] that some wanted to be even powerful as the divine children of the Gods.

(Verses 1:54 thru 1:129 Lacuna)

Chapter 2

(Verses 2:1 thru 2:20 Lacuna)

[2:21] The Second Mortals created by Nooraldin, [2:22] the God chiselled them out from white stones with silver veins, [2:23] and they were the first Xoǎji Doj, Theo Oìco o Soxóm, the Children of Stone, [2:24] that they called themselves the Kävzgars.

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