Book 10 The Coming of the Ængolos and the Ôuranó

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[1:1] All was at ease within Erthos, [1:2] for peace had reign supreme for many thousands of years.

[1:3] Than from the starry firmaments a great gate of gold opened, [1:4] and strange sailing vessels ventured through, [1:5] known as the Göllseilog to their peoples, [1:6] that the Ooramerians named them the Orllogsól, Ships of the Sun.

[1:7] They came to Nórselönd and disembarked, [1:8] they called themselves Ânkylons, [1:9] that the Ooramerians named them the Ængolos, [1:10] who were led by their God Warrior King named Dhönor, [1:11] First Son of Father Odipiero and his first wife Rolanóra. [1:12] that Dhönor had fiery red hair and light blue eyes like the skies.

[1:13] The Ængolosians came from a dying world known as Âksgroth, [1:14] a world consumed to the cold voids, [1:15] brought about by destructive chaos and powers most evil.

[1:16] The Ængolosians were giants, [1:17] equal in size to the Lámœrians and Kävzgarians, [1:18] and they were winged beings, [1:19] born with gold, red and black hair and indigo blue eyes.

[1:20] They were welcomed to stay in the lands of the Kävzgarians and Lámœrians, [1:21] and there they dwelled in the in the High North (Lacuna)

(Verses 1:22 thru 1:36 Lacuna)

[1:37] One day Dhönor tended to his prized herd of cattle, [1:38] when he found two Kävzgarian Twin Princes named Askür and Eskár, [1:39] and they entered his herd's grazing grounds, [1:40] and they stole two of his golden milk cows name Yirsh and Mirsh.

[1:41] Dhönor followed the twins princelings back to their Palace of Nivârah, [1:42] and there he confronted their mother Queen Tilǽm, [1:43] who was pregnant with twins.

[1:44] "Thou naughty sons have stolen from thine herd, [1:45] and thy demand thine milk cows back." the Grievances of Dhönor.

[1:46] "Thou art living on thine lands, [1:47] and thou hast used thine lands for thou needs. [1:48] These milk cows thy shalt take as payment, [1:49] and shalt be slaughtered for thine son's sustenance." the Folly of Queen Tilǽm.

[1:50] "Curse thee bull headed women, curse ye! [1:51] For thou art a prideful harlot, [1:52] who thinks thou art high as the mountains of this world. [1:53] Thy curse thee and thou blood of kin, [1:54] that for every second child thou daughter's birth, [1:55] shall be stout in size, [1:56] and forever shall thou tallest sons and daughters bend their backs too." the Curse of Dhönor.

[1:57] Dhönor raised his Holy Hammer, Möltlob, [1:58] and swatted Queen Tilǽm pregnant belly.

[1:59] This act of aggression enraged Askür, [1:60] and he punched Dhönor in the head, [1:61] and bloodied him on the floor (Lacuna)

(Verses 1:62 thru 1:65 Lacuna)

[1:66] Dhönor left the Palace of Nivârah, [1:67] bloodied and dazed and confused (Lacuna)

(Verses 1:68 thru 1:69 Lacuna)

[1:70] And so Tilǽm gave birth, [1:71] and her second set of twins were both born, [1:72] one was a healthy Kävzgarian Boy named Prince Jindal, [1:73] and the second was the first Dwarf born named Prince Inkal the Stout.

[1:74] And Queen Tilǽm fainted, [1:75] for the curse was true, [1:76] and many more mothers birthed children who became Dwarves (Lacuna)

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